A Message From Jesus To Trump Supporters
Free for all, please share with your family.
Dear Humans,
Today I’m asking you to read this letter and then pass it on to your Trump supporting family members, who need to see what some of their fellow humans are doing. They need to hear directly from JESUS CHRIST before they vote.
Over the weekend during a boat parade Florida, Trump supporters were seen sailing with Nazi flags on the same pole as Trump ones. Someone else on the boats was holding a sign showing MyPillow’s Mike Lindell and his $14.88 prices for the pillows (That specific number is linked to neo-Nazi propaganda).
The parade was even promoted and attended by Eric and Lara Trump. Behold this horrific sight:
Since 2015, Donald Trump has been espousing numerous offensive dog whistles that people like the above are hearing loud and clear.
A vote for Trump is a vote in support of the views and ideals that the people like those depicted above hold. They want to eradicate certain religions, people, and rights. They want to divide you. They want chaos. They want Satan to reign supreme.
And now I would like to directly address Trump voters, especially those who hold Christian values:
I am deeply concerned about the division, anger, and pride that I see in the world today, particularly in Trump’s orbit. I know that you feel passionately about many issues, but I ask you to consider whether a vote for Trump/Vance reflects the heart of Jesus.
A good leader, like David, is not perfect, but his heart is aligned with ours — filled with humility, honesty, and a love for all people, especially the poor and the oppressed. I do not see any part of Jesus in Donald Trump. If anything he is the complete opposite of me in every way, and you know it.
I have said “Blessed are the peacemakers,” and I ask you now:
Do the words and actions of Donald Trump make for peace?
Do they encourage love for your neighbors, even those who are different from you?
I ask you to remember that I did not come to sow division or to encourage hostility. I came to bring peace, to break down walls, and to unite people in love. The words you listen to, the leaders you follow, and the causes you support should all reflect that same spirit of love and reconciliation.
When Donald Trump incited a riot, he wasn’t bringing about peace.
When he issues dog-whistles, he’s not calling encouraging loving thy neighbor.
And I already know that he will not condemn the people in the above photos (He would take a stance he did in 2017: “There are some very fine people on both sides.”)
If you refuse to condemn these people, then you are on their side. Or at the very least, being on the same side as them is not a deal-breaker for you.
My heart breaks when I see those who claim to follow Me stoking fear and hatred. I taught you to LOVE your enemies, to turn the other cheek, and to show kindness even to those who wrong you.
Do the people in the photos look like the types of people who align with you?
Or are they drawing you into anger, pride, and fear? Remember, “By their fruit you will recognize them” (Matthew 7:16).
Or are they just looking to sell you an overpriced Bible?
We cannot give a green light to the views and ideals people on those boats hold. You must create a kingdom in which every neighbor is loved and treasured.
Please, please consider my words carefully.
Please don’t let this evil return.
- Jesus Christ
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That whole Nazi thing upsets me for a very personal reason. I was a little kid living in Texas. NOT my idea, I was hauled there several times. So, my mom made a friend named Linda. VERY sweet, friendly, just a super person. BUT, she was married to a very creepy cop. I was maybe like seven years old, but he was scary. Long story short, Linda became ill, and died. She was maybe 25 years old? It was very sudden. She was perfectly healthy, and then she died. We went to her funeral, I'd never seen a dead person before. She looked so peaceful, but it was just so WEIRD. After that we went to her home, for a post funeral thing. There were Nazi things like ALL OVER the place. Her husband didn't seem too choked up, he was showing off his Nazi stuff. He remarried about six months later. Basically Nazis are INSANE. And many US military DIED to stop them. That flag and the Confederate flag need to be burned, and shoved up their asses. Seriously. You like Nazis, eat shit, and die. And take that POS DonOLD with you.
Really tired of Trump🥺