Climate Change Denier James Woods Loses House To Climate Change
Sending thoughts and prayers.
Dear Human,
Thou shalt not deny climate change, as Trump supporter James Woods learned the hard way today. Verily, James Woods’ house burnt down and he says he doesn’t have home owners insurance. Sending thoughts and prayers, James.
1. James Woods Lost His House
James Woods, a man who hath spent his years spouting MAGA rhetoric and raging against reality, a man who blocked God back when it was still Twitter, now tragically reaps the literal whirlwind of his own climate change denial.
His house is no more, consumed by a climate change-boosted wildfire. It wasn’t a deep state plot. There were no Democrat-controlled weather machines and no space lasers.
And yet, instead of reflecting on climate change or the insane winds that caused this wildfire, he immediately chose to lash out at Gavin Newsom, Karen Bass, and—of course—”empty water reservoirs.”
But lo, the truth cometh: the reservoirs weren’t empty before the fires started. The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power filled them in preparation for the fire season. The problem wasn’t the liberal boogeymen James rails against—it was the sheer scale of the firefighting effort, which drained the reservoirs faster than they could be replenished. Not that James cares for such details; he’s too busy raging to care about the facts.
2. James Woods Had No Insurance
Actor James Woods didn’t have homeowners insurance—apparently because he couldn’t. Like many in wildfire-prone areas, his policy was canceled by the insurance company just 4 months before the disaster. Increasingly, greedy capitalist insurers are abandoning high-risk areas, leaving residents without coverage when they need it most.
While there is a program called FAIR which serves as a last-resort option for homeowners in high-risk areas, Woods was either not aware or not able to signup in time.
It’s a shame. Capitalism really does suck sometimes, doesn’t it, James? Luckily the socialism you hate so much will help you through it all.
3. Miserable Prick Has An Opinion
Naturally, the demented conman has been attacking the governor of California and blaming weather events on him, strictly because he’s a Democrat.
No, it’s not all his fault, you evil bastard. It’s your fault. It’s the fault of rich tycoon billionaire assholes who have been massively polluting the world and lying to people for over a hundred years without a shred of remorse.
4. God’s Final Thoughts
When a liberal area suffers a climate change disaster, Republicans say, “God is punishing them.” When a conservative area suffers a climate change disaster, Republicans say, “Democrats control weather machines.”
It must be hard going through life as a full-blown idiot.
Thou shalt stop blaming everyone else and start seeing the truth: climate change is real, and it doesn’t care if you believe in it or not.
Climate change is not divine punishment, nor is it a liberal plot. It is the result of greed, inaction, and denial. And until humans get their shit together, the planet is going to continue to be pissed off.
5. Join The Rebellion
Humanity is at a crossroads. Donold Trump, a man who literally wants to take over the world, is coming for all of us who dare to oppose him. Every network and billionaire seems to be bending the knee to his fascist ambitions.
We’re risking everything to stand against him and his goons, bringing truth and laughter to the fight. Your support doesn’t just keep this radical leftist network alive—it’s a stand for resistance, survival, and the freedom to call out miserable pricks like him.
So if you’ve enjoyed today’s righteous reckoning, or if you’ve been waiting for a sign, this is it. Upgrade your subscription today at 20% off before the sale ends tonight. Think of it as an investment in the forces of truth and satire.
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Now go forth, spread the memes, and remember: laughter is holy, but fixing the system is divine.
Ignorance is bliss right up until your house burns down.
I just love how you sent thoughts and prayers to James. How very appropriate and rich. God is great. Amen