Actually, in my never terribly humble opinion, Biden did the right thing. Hunter was given, I believe, a 42 year sentence for something that anyone else would have gotten maybe 5 years for. And Trump wanted this, essentially, life sentence so that he could hold Hunter hostage for foul political gain. And to punish the Biden family for Joe's 'criminal theft,' as Trump spouts, of Trumps supposed win in know, the one that the Vast Orange Plague staged an attempted coup over. Since Trump has already claimed that the Bidens are a massive criminal enterprise, I have doubts that Hunter would have been kept alive, once his usefulness as a hostage so that Trump could pursue his little vendetta against Joe was over. Seriously, Joe did the right thing. If Trump had not slimed his way back into the Whitehouse and Hunter had been given the same kind of sentence that anyone else would have gotten, I doubt Joe would have pardoned him. I am sick to death of both political parties. The Dems can't wait to indulge in useless self-flagellation, and the Magas (the new name for the Repubs) can't wait to unleash as much hell and misery on everyone who is not them, as well as on their own, amazingly clueless base, as they can. In fact, both political parties are playing chicken with the environmental crises while life itself hangs by a thread. Why are we the people not holding them all accountable before it's too late?
I'm convinced if Pres. Biden had not pardoned Hunter, Trump's first official action in office would be to conjure up more charges against Hunter to get him in front of a firing squad. And he'd sell tickets to the execution to his adoring MAGAts and brag about the artificially inflated crowd size. This scenario requires no stretching of the imagination. So, I'll fly my flag again when it does not stand for fear, hate and violence and when Satan's tools are purged from elected office.
Oh my f*ing god (no offense meant). This is truly repulsive. This is going to effect his legacy??? Unbelievable, especially considering who is entering the dark (oops, I mean white) house. Just when I think I'm calming down from a boil to a simmer. MSM can go f*ck itself and all its biased reporting.
I wonder if the Christian Nationalists have pardoned Hegseth for all of his sexual abuse and drunkenness? That should be plastered all over the media. I wonder, also, if they have pardoned Elon Mutt for all of his illegitimate children? Did they pardon J. D. for admitting that he lied about immigrants eating pets? He even said that he was going to lie in the future. Would that be a blanket pardon? OK, who is throwing the first stone?
He changed his mind - big f-ing deal. On the other hand, we have a 34 count felon coming in to (LEAD???) the country. Someone who is signing felons and miscreants from all over the land to help him (LEAD???) - I am NOT watching any news now- (local) tape it and speed through the crap. NO cable (News???) shows - no Colbert, Kimmel, Jon Stewart. My blood pressure is better and I am happier.
Amen! I totally agree I saw nothing wrong with Biden pardoning his son Hunter (the only one he has left) vs the prior pardoning a raft of felons and theives!
Actually, in my never terribly humble opinion, Biden did the right thing. Hunter was given, I believe, a 42 year sentence for something that anyone else would have gotten maybe 5 years for. And Trump wanted this, essentially, life sentence so that he could hold Hunter hostage for foul political gain. And to punish the Biden family for Joe's 'criminal theft,' as Trump spouts, of Trumps supposed win in know, the one that the Vast Orange Plague staged an attempted coup over. Since Trump has already claimed that the Bidens are a massive criminal enterprise, I have doubts that Hunter would have been kept alive, once his usefulness as a hostage so that Trump could pursue his little vendetta against Joe was over. Seriously, Joe did the right thing. If Trump had not slimed his way back into the Whitehouse and Hunter had been given the same kind of sentence that anyone else would have gotten, I doubt Joe would have pardoned him. I am sick to death of both political parties. The Dems can't wait to indulge in useless self-flagellation, and the Magas (the new name for the Repubs) can't wait to unleash as much hell and misery on everyone who is not them, as well as on their own, amazingly clueless base, as they can. In fact, both political parties are playing chicken with the environmental crises while life itself hangs by a thread. Why are we the people not holding them all accountable before it's too late?
Let's see what the idiots in the MSM say after Shitler pardons the violent J6 fuckers.
I see a collective shrug.
Having a reputation as a dirtbag has its advantages.
It won’t be much.
"But Hunter Biden's laptop!" 😱
I’m going to go back to bed and pull the covers over my head
It's long and hard work you've been doing God I'm glad to see you getting the recognition.
I'm convinced if Pres. Biden had not pardoned Hunter, Trump's first official action in office would be to conjure up more charges against Hunter to get him in front of a firing squad. And he'd sell tickets to the execution to his adoring MAGAts and brag about the artificially inflated crowd size. This scenario requires no stretching of the imagination. So, I'll fly my flag again when it does not stand for fear, hate and violence and when Satan's tools are purged from elected office.
Great plan by Dems! Drive more center left to center right. The strategy has worked so well!!! Gently nudge them left guys.
I’m not reading a single one of those stories. Three people are nuts.
These people, way more than three.
Oh my f*ing god (no offense meant). This is truly repulsive. This is going to effect his legacy??? Unbelievable, especially considering who is entering the dark (oops, I mean white) house. Just when I think I'm calming down from a boil to a simmer. MSM can go f*ck itself and all its biased reporting.
I wonder if the Christian Nationalists have pardoned Hegseth for all of his sexual abuse and drunkenness? That should be plastered all over the media. I wonder, also, if they have pardoned Elon Mutt for all of his illegitimate children? Did they pardon J. D. for admitting that he lied about immigrants eating pets? He even said that he was going to lie in the future. Would that be a blanket pardon? OK, who is throwing the first stone?
Hi fellas...
Paid by Peter Steele the pornstar. With Peters impressive hog
Good evening God and JFC.
Nice job guys. You two are really delightful. Not at all like that church god.
Biden can pardon whoever he damn well pleases. I don't care.
He changed his mind - big f-ing deal. On the other hand, we have a 34 count felon coming in to (LEAD???) the country. Someone who is signing felons and miscreants from all over the land to help him (LEAD???) - I am NOT watching any news now- (local) tape it and speed through the crap. NO cable (News???) shows - no Colbert, Kimmel, Jon Stewart. My blood pressure is better and I am happier.
God! I can’t find you on BlueSky!! Where are you?
Just seen him run past me!
Hunter just biden his time...
Amen! I totally agree I saw nothing wrong with Biden pardoning his son Hunter (the only one he has left) vs the prior pardoning a raft of felons and theives!