I canceled my WP subscription yesterday immediately when I confirmed their decision and I cited that exact same photo“ by Timothy Snyder in my reason and called Bezos, a coward, and anyone who went along with this decision. Thank you and pissed.
I tell you I've never seen such spinelessness evolve in such a short time. You can feel the Frantic mood from rich people clinging desperately to their money. Corporate America and the media are so afraid that their bottoms will drop out once Trump is out that they are willing to sacrifice our democracy. When in fact the opposite is true. The people that are woke did not go broke. The only thing that's broke is the people who can't tell truth from lie.
F-U-C-K all Mother Fucking Cowards!!! They are the root cause of our issues right now. Mitch McConnell is my nomination for Coward of the Week. See Aaron Rupar’s Substack from yesterday about a joint statement he released with Mikey the Porn Pig about Kamala. I would say fuck them both, but Mikey might have to report a hard-on to his son.
I guess none of us should be surprised that 🐔a** Bezos would eventually f*** the WP to advance/protect his own butt. I won't be renewing my subscription and I don't belong to Amazon Prime, nor do I ever purchase anything from Amazon. I have always believed that Amazon was a monopoly and should be broken up. I hope WP looses money and their great columnist quit and find other news media to work for. Katharine Graham is probably rolling over in her grave by now. God, please comfort her. Thank you, God. AMEN!
“Follow the money” doesn’t work with billionaires, at least not directly. Power? Ego? Elitism? Trying to feel meaningful is the existential dilemma for people who don’t work for a living.
The LA Times was the Chandler family and their old school Southern Cal political power broker crowd that created guys like Nixon and Reagan. They sold way back, but they would be seen as Rinos by the mental midgets and hatemongers of today’s GOP. The Washington Post action is stunning, but explainable in today’s world.
To get to your point, we are in a world where reality and facts have been suspended and the world is upside down making the heroes with some balls (Milley, Kelly, Mattis) the targets and the sackless, spineless, weak, soft, cowardly, draft dodging spoiled rich brat with the Low IQ and fake resume the hero to many.
The phrase “sack up” was one I always remember from my background (Born in Dorchester, raised in Brockton, MA), and I can’t think of a better application to many in Washington today. Time to sack up people. Less than two weeks to go.
To more accurately reflect their new role, WaPo changes their motto to "Fascism Flourishes in Fearfulness"
Brilliant! You should meme this!
I am sharing this please and thank you.
I canceled my WP subscription yesterday immediately when I confirmed their decision and I cited that exact same photo“ by Timothy Snyder in my reason and called Bezos, a coward, and anyone who went along with this decision. Thank you and pissed.
I tell you I've never seen such spinelessness evolve in such a short time. You can feel the Frantic mood from rich people clinging desperately to their money. Corporate America and the media are so afraid that their bottoms will drop out once Trump is out that they are willing to sacrifice our democracy. When in fact the opposite is true. The people that are woke did not go broke. The only thing that's broke is the people who can't tell truth from lie.
Remember this when we congratulate
Fuckin’ AMEN!
I canceled WP in August when they “both sides” with everything. I buy The Guardian now.
F-U-C-K all Mother Fucking Cowards!!! They are the root cause of our issues right now. Mitch McConnell is my nomination for Coward of the Week. See Aaron Rupar’s Substack from yesterday about a joint statement he released with Mikey the Porn Pig about Kamala. I would say fuck them both, but Mikey might have to report a hard-on to his son.
Hahaha. Hahaha. Omg you’ve got me cackling over here!!
Amen! Beyond disappointed with WAPO. Subscription cancelled. Support Telanes Substack.
Dear God: thank you for being on the right side of history. That is all.
I guess none of us should be surprised that 🐔a** Bezos would eventually f*** the WP to advance/protect his own butt. I won't be renewing my subscription and I don't belong to Amazon Prime, nor do I ever purchase anything from Amazon. I have always believed that Amazon was a monopoly and should be broken up. I hope WP looses money and their great columnist quit and find other news media to work for. Katharine Graham is probably rolling over in her grave by now. God, please comfort her. Thank you, God. AMEN!
🐔 ass is one of my all-time favorite things to call someone who really deserves it - and he really deserves it!! Good one!
“Follow the money” doesn’t work with billionaires, at least not directly. Power? Ego? Elitism? Trying to feel meaningful is the existential dilemma for people who don’t work for a living.
I'm sure they won't miss my $3/mo. but I cancelled today.
The less subscribers, the less they can charge for advertising.
When a person SHOWS what theheck theya re about, believe them. for they are the ruins of civilization.
The LA Times was the Chandler family and their old school Southern Cal political power broker crowd that created guys like Nixon and Reagan. They sold way back, but they would be seen as Rinos by the mental midgets and hatemongers of today’s GOP. The Washington Post action is stunning, but explainable in today’s world.
To get to your point, we are in a world where reality and facts have been suspended and the world is upside down making the heroes with some balls (Milley, Kelly, Mattis) the targets and the sackless, spineless, weak, soft, cowardly, draft dodging spoiled rich brat with the Low IQ and fake resume the hero to many.
The phrase “sack up” was one I always remember from my background (Born in Dorchester, raised in Brockton, MA), and I can’t think of a better application to many in Washington today. Time to sack up people. Less than two weeks to go.
"Democracy Dies in Darkness." I have canceled my subscription to the Washington Post. For all of the reasons outlined here...Amen
My WaPo sub dies soon. Not renewing. Whatever left is under a dollar per month. Democracy can also apparently die in broad daylight, apparently. Amen.
CYA - everyone fears TFG’s wrath should he win. Two cowardly billionaires.
"The Wash'd UP'o" u mean >:p