Dear Humans,
HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! After wrapping presents until 5 a.m. and waking up at 8, I drank some coffee and danced around the Christmas tree. As the holiday season shines upon us, I want to take a moment to wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and a joyful Festivus! (for the rest of us)
What’s your favorite way to celebrate the holidays? Hit reply and let me know—I’m always curious!
Thank you for being a part of the Letters from God community this year—your laughter, love, and righteous energy keep me going. Even when the world keeps failing us, life beats us down, and our faith in humanity is challenged, we have kept each other going through it all.
Let’s hold on to that spark. Let’s hold on to each other. Together, we will outlast this dark period in human moral history.
P.S. - For the holidays become a paid subscriber at a 30% discount. Just click here to claim God’s Holiday Special and support God. Don’t miss out!
This being my 3rd Christmas alone and I am looking for a new normal, I may have just found it … by dancing exuberantly in my kitchen to R&B Christmas Music courtesy of radio station WBGO 88.3. You can’t be sad while dancing wildly 🎄💗🎄
We do Naked Christmas.