Sorry, Dude, I still think you had something to do with deflecting that bullet. Maybe you were sleepwalking, but Your Purpose is obvious. We are better off with DonOld alive, as a failing wreck, as a laughingstock, an embarrassment to the Republi-cans, than as a dead martyr. Thank You for Your uncconsciously intended intervention!
I’m writing this as I sit waiting to pick up my wife’s prescription for Paxlovid. Our governor in California made similar “we will investigate and attack price gouging” in 2022. Unfortunately that’s where it ends. It’s quite difficult to actually stop the slow creep of price increases without Consumer action (boycott). Consumers need to make choices with their pocket book.
This is basically a fish taco. Add a little cabbage…rosemary…voila! People need to understand humor. The aggressive and demeaning attacks (“libtards, feminazis, snowflakes, F—- your feelings, pedos, communists, Marxists, vermin, traitors, babies, sheeple, etc.”) of the MAGA against all normal people isn’t humorous—it’s degrading.
Making fun of a Minnesotan’s lack of enthusiasm for spicy foods is cute, and funny. It’s not racist. It’s not ageist or sexist. Yes, he probably likes vanilla ice cream. Har har har, so racist.
I'm glad to hear you are on the road to recovery, God. I hope it had nothing to do with shooting Clorox in your veins. I'm an extremely white straight woman who grew up on casseroles containing tuna, cream of mushroom, cream of chicken, etc.. Even I'm cringing at the idea of mayo and tuna tacos.
I'm so glad you're feeling better, God! And by the way, thank you for the discounted subscription! I finally signed up :) My "tithing" isn't much, but I hope it cheers you up!
Glad you're feeling better, Lord. Covid was crappy and I think your adversary the Devil made paxlovid, with that horrible taste, but I'm glad it helped. I can't afford to subscribe, but I love you.
Donold, his spawn and all those who fawn over him are the current scourge of the earth. Please talk to your pal, Satan, and if he hasn’t already, ask him to make a deal with every single one of them that will end them up in hell.
These people, your Creation I mean, seem to be devoid of any sense of humor, any concept of self-deprecation, or any concept of abstract language or ambiguity. How did you mess this up with so many people? I laughed. Humans laugh. What is this weird species that has sprung from your creation? Can you smite them, please? A little smiting there, a little smiting here…smite, smite, smite. Just enough for the right people to get the message? I know you made a covenant, but these weirdos could not possibly be included, amiright? Thanks, I’m your name, etc.
I would love for Donold to move to Venezuela, but I fear Venezuela would just send him back.
Got my popcorn waiting for the coming week, this will be a barn burner!! 👍
Really! Why would any other country want him if he doesn’t have presidential power?
Oh, will it ever! But wait for the debate, oy oy!
The main thing they need to train her on how to call out his lies, quickly. Don't let him Gish Gallop over her.
If she had only been a prosecutor with years of experience in cross-examining lying witnesses. That'd be a handy skill.
I'm delighted to hear you're feeling better. I'll be looking forward to celebrating with you and all of our friends.
Sorry, Dude, I still think you had something to do with deflecting that bullet. Maybe you were sleepwalking, but Your Purpose is obvious. We are better off with DonOld alive, as a failing wreck, as a laughingstock, an embarrassment to the Republi-cans, than as a dead martyr. Thank You for Your uncconsciously intended intervention!
This is an excellent point! He can go ahead and fall over on November 6th.
I’m writing this as I sit waiting to pick up my wife’s prescription for Paxlovid. Our governor in California made similar “we will investigate and attack price gouging” in 2022. Unfortunately that’s where it ends. It’s quite difficult to actually stop the slow creep of price increases without Consumer action (boycott). Consumers need to make choices with their pocket book.
Get well soon!
Certain thoughtful regulations and their enforcement could help. Only one side offering that.
Thank you god for all you do. Just a little faster please.
Great to hear you're feeling better God.
I'm all for watching the DNC together this week!
Can't wait to hear how upset and angry it makes #Diperdonold!
Tuna and Mayo tacos? It could work, ethnically speaking. Leave out the jalapeños, please.
This is basically a fish taco. Add a little cabbage…rosemary…voila! People need to understand humor. The aggressive and demeaning attacks (“libtards, feminazis, snowflakes, F—- your feelings, pedos, communists, Marxists, vermin, traitors, babies, sheeple, etc.”) of the MAGA against all normal people isn’t humorous—it’s degrading.
Making fun of a Minnesotan’s lack of enthusiasm for spicy foods is cute, and funny. It’s not racist. It’s not ageist or sexist. Yes, he probably likes vanilla ice cream. Har har har, so racist.
These people are weird and keep getting weirder.
thanks😡 lol sheeple as in wwg1wga hahahahah they don't even know hahahahahahah
I'm glad to hear you are on the road to recovery, God. I hope it had nothing to do with shooting Clorox in your veins. I'm an extremely white straight woman who grew up on casseroles containing tuna, cream of mushroom, cream of chicken, etc.. Even I'm cringing at the idea of mayo and tuna tacos.
Guuurrlll, my mom taught me to make a mean tuna casserole…. AND menudo!!!
Glad you're feeling better. We need you now more than ever!
I'm so glad you're feeling better, God! And by the way, thank you for the discounted subscription! I finally signed up :) My "tithing" isn't much, but I hope it cheers you up!
Let’s just violent protests don’t destroy the Convention.
Glad you're feeling better, Lord. Covid was crappy and I think your adversary the Devil made paxlovid, with that horrible taste, but I'm glad it helped. I can't afford to subscribe, but I love you.
If you had a Mother, God, she'd have made you chicken soup, but the Paxlovid is a good second. Keep getting gooder!
Donold, his spawn and all those who fawn over him are the current scourge of the earth. Please talk to your pal, Satan, and if he hasn’t already, ask him to make a deal with every single one of them that will end them up in hell.
These people, your Creation I mean, seem to be devoid of any sense of humor, any concept of self-deprecation, or any concept of abstract language or ambiguity. How did you mess this up with so many people? I laughed. Humans laugh. What is this weird species that has sprung from your creation? Can you smite them, please? A little smiting there, a little smiting here…smite, smite, smite. Just enough for the right people to get the message? I know you made a covenant, but these weirdos could not possibly be included, amiright? Thanks, I’m your name, etc.