I vote blue, but think Melon Felon may be onto something here. Think how much farther we can move our country if Christians did not vote after this election.

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hahahaha melon felon 😂

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If it helps MSNBC was all over this, this morning.

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That’s MSNBC today, but what about tomorrow? and what about CNN? NY Times? Washpo? Will they be harping on this for weeks? Doubt it.

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The Washington Post is a lost cause, God. Sir William John Lewis has completely bought in to the yellow journalism model of "news" delivery. He has been shedding editors and journalists like Covid virus since he was imported from Murdochland in January and recently announced to what few journalists remain on the payroll that The Post will be providing more content via AI. Democracy has been dying in darkness since.

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That masthead statement is the most freaking ironic thing ever. How do they sleep at night?

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I cannot answer that, Susan, and I realize that your question is probably also rhetorical. I stuck by The Washington Post from the days of Woodward and Bernstein to about May of this year. I simply could not live with myself subscribing to a rag that would use misleading “clickbait” headlines and neutral to deliberately obfuscating “bothsides” arguments. I was becoming resentful and angry and finally realized that it was probably just that type of engagement that actually was driving whatever editorial decisions were still being made there.

My life is less anxious and bitter, my understanding of current events fuller, having quit them.

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It was also in the Guardian, which prints all the news that’s fit to print in the NYT but the NYT won’t print

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Where?! I can't find anything from them on it.

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- Donald Trump has stated he’d be a dictator on “day one only”

- Trump has now said that he’ll fix everything so good that Christians won’t have to vote again in four years if he wins.

- Several in his former Admin wrote Project 2025

He "jokes" multiple times about being a dictator. He praises dictators. He quotes dictators.

It's kind of a trend. Call me a lib but this should concern you!

America already spent four years (‘16-‘20) in the dumbest possible timeline.

And we’re not going back!

I already ordered a t-shirt with that EPIC quote

I got it from here 👇


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He shouldn’t be a dictator on any day; that’s not how a democracy works, but people don’t seem to really listen to what he says. His supporters are sheep who react when they’re promoted too, and other people just can’t believe the crap he comes out with and are becoming numb to what he says. People are going to have to work to keep him out of office rather than the other way around, just like last time, when people really didn’t take him seriously and look how that turned out 🤦🏻‍♀️

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I have NEVER been so grateful that I’m not American.

Can I just posit a theory here about the little graze on his ear? The gunman was paid by the orange guy’s people to miss and deliver him as the messiah.

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It’s more likely the bullet hit his teleprompter and that it was a shard of glass that cut his ear. I’ve read that a bullet would have caused far more damage to him.

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This is what I said. My theory is they convinced a MAGA death row inmate who voluntered to martyr himself.

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A lot of people know your theory is correct. But too blind to see if. Sadly if these people don't wake up, they'll be waking up in a different world because they voted for him, but not me. #Harris for president

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Trump is the string puppet. Putin and The multi billionaire club control him and most politicians in the Party of Maga. He’s more antichrist than anything.

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And it's all just attention, which he desperately needs and never got enough of as a kid because his hateful nazi parents never liked him, hence then current sitch. Moral: avoid narcissists

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I so disappointed in the fact that that there are SO MANY SELFISH PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY! The people who are scared, or complicit, or promised something must have families, kids, friends, people who they’re supposed to care about! Do these people actually believe that tRump will follow through with his promises? He’s a pathological lair! Do they believe that their families will be safe from Project 2025? Hell no…his loyal supporters will find out the hard way that they have been duped despite our constant warnings to them! But, by then it will be too late! The only news media that will exist if tRump gets in the White House again are the ones willing to constantly prop him up all the time and lie about the truth! These people are willing to subject their own children to the kind of life that tRump and his wealthy White Christian Nationalist Cronies choose for them.

So media would rather give into TRump for whatever reason than stand with the majority of the country who chooses democracy! I hope they remember that we never forget. And when we win and tRump is in jail, I hope you have another career in mind because WE DONT FORGET! Thanks for letting me rant…🗳️💙🇺🇸

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EXCELLENT RANT! We need more of THEM!😍💙💙💙

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I understand your stand against Trump but who wants to wait to see if he will carry though on his rally promises. He's a narcissist and loves himself only. But we need to Vote. Project 2025 is dangerous. 🏦💙🇺🇸🌊

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He may have been trying to say “Ima Christian” but through a miracle of Jesus he told us the truth.

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I actually heard “I’mma Christian.”

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“Trump has declared that if he wins, there won’t be another election in four years. Here’s why that’s bad news for Joe Biden.”

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Oh dear 🤦🏻

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Cinnamon Hitler is saying all the quiet parts out loud. I'm listening, I'm trying to alert people. Oh, vey.

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Cinnamon Hitler!! New one for me. But I won't use it because it's an insult to cinnamon.💙

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And it's also funny which the situation isn't. I call him Agent Orange because he's lethal.

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And it's also funny which the situation isn't. I call him Agent Orange because he's lethal.

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From his first moment on the political stage, we knew a storm was coming...a shitstorm.

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If Trump wins, he will not need you. He won’t need his big money doners, his MAGA idiots, OR his sycophantic politicians. He will have done the one thing he needs to do to stay out of prison, and be reunited with his money, which is severely compromised by legal judgements and pending court cases. He won’t have to pander for votes. And because the Supreme court has cleared the way, he will begin his reign as America’s first King, as we watch the noble experiment of a democratic republic fall to history. He will cancel future elections, jail or kill ( if he so chooses) his opponents, and as long as he does it under the cloak of “official acts” of the executive office, will not be able to be prosecuted. That’s what Trump’s Supremes just did. Don’t think there is any moral compass in Trump’s heart that would prevent him from abusing what would be his now unlimited power. He sees it happening. That’s why he says next time, you won’t need to vote. There won’t be a “next time” if he has anything to say about it. VOTE BLUE, up and down the ballot. It may be the last time you’ll get the chance.

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Oh I heard him the first time God. I hear voices a lot (and sometimes have to ask if it’s You) but this was definitely DFG.

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I really pay attention to your will so I know you are always caring and loving. I know too that you would reach Trump but he won’t allow it and you are not a dictator. So he is on his own if that’s the way he wants it. Thank you God for being God.

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He has his finger firmly just above the Red Button... Gosh help us all because he's already incited violence a few times. Voting is a... Well, it signifies Freedom. It means a lot to me to be able to vote as a non-White female. People hav

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People have died so that a person such as myself has the right to vote...

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Oh, he’s definitely a Christian, just like his hypocrite cult members. Is there a RINO equivalent for pseudo-Christians? Our current culture needs a word to point out how ‘un-Christian’ so-called Christians can be.

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He's SO going to lose. Enough Xtians are going to wake up and smell the rotten coffee.

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