I did notice the pregnant pause. Democrats are getting really good at trolling. This is a time when Republicans wouldn't want the pregnant pause to go to term. :)
Dear "God", I don't really care how it is spelled but I concur that Don-OLD Snoresalone, convicted felon, abuser of women Trump is most surely ALL of those spellings.
I never say that word; it's one of handful that I can't make myself say. I am proud of Kamala that she managed to restrain herself enough so that everyone could see what she meant!
I would have loved her more if she had let it fly. At least she called him a lying liar that lies a few times. If only other politicians and reporters had the eggs.
thanks Myq, as you know, the daily show / comedy central / verizon telecomm hyper global omni net now owns the concept of Zen Moments for the rest of eternity.
I did notice the pregnant pause. Democrats are getting really good at trolling. This is a time when Republicans wouldn't want the pregnant pause to go to term. :)
That's hilarious!
Love it!
Now let’s go Smite some MuthaF*ckas 🤣
Oh my god … literally!
Kamala curses Trump as Muthaf*cka
That makes DonOld’s poop-ass puck’a
When they debate he’s outa luck - A
Failure and an abject suck’a!
I am wondering how they have kept his "diaper needs" from going public. He has little to no control of his "elimintion organs."
That includes his mouth!
Yes. There’s NO way he could laugh like Kamala !!! He’d spray down the whole stage. 🤣😆
Good job trying not to channel her inner Samuel L. Jackson on live TV!
Dear "God", I don't really care how it is spelled but I concur that Don-OLD Snoresalone, convicted felon, abuser of women Trump is most surely ALL of those spellings.
I love Kamala and everything she says that reveals her more makes me want to vote for now!
To be accurate, one would have to say daughtafickah
I never say that word; it's one of handful that I can't make myself say. I am proud of Kamala that she managed to restrain herself enough so that everyone could see what she meant!
I would have loved her more if she had let it fly. At least she called him a lying liar that lies a few times. If only other politicians and reporters had the eggs.
dear god,
thank you for this bounty of blessings!
both the image you shared AND the funny and meaningful concept of a "moment of bless"
really delightful! you really... let there be delight!
thanks and love
thanks Myq, as you know, the daily show / comedy central / verizon telecomm hyper global omni net now owns the concept of Zen Moments for the rest of eternity.
hahaha i would have assumed that if i thought about it, but i'm not the omniscient one here. happy to receive!
God we love you! You get us.
A good word in this case&accurate
I love her laugh! 😅👌
Finally some wonderful authenticity!
Muthafooker is the best swear
AMEN! Love you, Big Guy ✨💖✨❗️