My favorite is Trumplethinskin

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Yes , mine too. And his followers are Trumpeteers.

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That is such genius on so many levels!

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That’s mine too!

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I'll have to steal one from Jeff Tiedrich's substack. Thanks, Jeff! Hope you don't mind.

Agolf Shitler

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Jeff Tiedrich has the best nicknames for Donny Diaperstain!

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North Omaha Cat Lady on TikTok has some amazing ones.

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My wife came up with the term I have used for years.

"The Bloated Yam."

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Mango Mussolini. But really, I got a million of ‘em. The barrel is bottomless and honestly, with someone that ridiculous and reprehensible, they pretty much write themselves.

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The GOP seems short of insults, if the best they can do is say she laughs a lot.

"Make a joyful noise unto the Lord." -- Psalm 100.

But what am I doing telling You what You wrote in the Bible?

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I want a T-shirt of Kamala laughing with that scripture beneath or on the back🤩

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Make it happen.

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Oh I’d love a Kamala tee shirt with the Joyful Noise scripture.

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Combover Caligula

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Perfect! Caligula was actually a nickname for that whack job. It means little boots, or booties, in Latin.

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I found that out while watching I Claudious on PBS back in the ‘70s 😀 Those Romans, they did things I had to look up and that was pre-web.

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Don't even want to give him even a thought of one. Giving a "Nickname" is too emotionally close a gesture for me. He makes me want to throw up. I guess I could refer to him as Ipecac.

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Don the Con. Straight to the point.

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When I was a young girl (Donald Trump is 7 years my elder—do the math) girls were strictly importuned not to whistle (“A whistling girl and a crowing hen will come to no good end”), to express political opinions (“There are 3 things one should never discuss: money, politics or sex”), or to laugh boisterously.* Historically, women’s laughter has always been seen as a challenge to social norms and gender roles, but the ostracism of laughing ladies picked up steam during the days that phrenology and the supposed mental inferiority of the Neanderthal became accepted: the Victorian Era (the period between about 1820 and 1914).

The backdrop to the widespread panic about unleashed and uninhibited women was the 19th century’s raging obsession: female medical hysteria. The public was morbidly fascinated by the spectacle of women afflicted by mysterious physical ailments with seemingly no organic basis in the body. From the Greek word hystera (meaning ‘uterus’), by 1883 the diagnosis of female medical hysteria comprised nearly 20 per cent of all cases at the Paris Salpêtrière Hospital, for example–a 20-fold increase over the 1 percent rate in 1845, according to feminist historian Elaine Showalter’s The Female Malady (1987).

Trump is a product of the patriarchy and still holds views that roughly correspond to prejudices quite common during the waning days of the Victorian era. Don't listen to him! Laugh at him! But above all, DO NOT VOTE FOR HIM!

*Actually, there were many more things girls and women were told they should not do, but I want to keep this manageable and relatively short.

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You forgot to mention that the “treatment” for hysteria was the doctor performing genital massage until orgasm. The relaxed state of the woman after that was “proof” that the treatment worked. The doctors complained that it was too exhausting, so mechanical stimulators were invented, leading to the modern vibrators. There was a romantic comedy film about it called “Hysteria.”

This is NOT a salacious article.


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Thanks for the link, Susan. Fascinating subject.

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You’re welcome!

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Not really. I just didn’t want to go there, Susan. I find the subject really grotesque and abusive.

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I think it explains a lot about men’s attitudes towards women. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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You are not incorrect, Susan. While I am familiar with the history of the systematic sexual abuse of women by persons who considered themselves credentialed medical professionals, it is not a part of the story I wished to convey in my comment. I wished instead to provide a brief comment about where contemporary "conservative" attitudes towards women expressing emotion in public--by laughing, for god's sake--may have originated.

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Thanks for the history. Remember Ginger Rogers doing everything Fred Astaire did, except backwards and in high heels? I’m still hoping for our new president to be able to not wear them eventually—unless she personally finds them super comfortable.

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Irrelevance is the deepest insult.

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I used to call him the Orange Shitgibbon, but now I favor Little Donny Fuckface.

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My nickname for DJT is ‘Future Inmate”

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My name for the POS is IQ45.

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My current favorite name for Trump is

Melon Felon

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I can’t remember ever seeing Trump genuinely laugh. I don’t think he understands what it is is.

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I can only think of a couple times I’ve seen him genuinely SMILE. Usually the best he can do is a grimace.

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This exactly what I've been thinking. Only a dead head with zero imagination and no understanding of humor would possibly think "Laughing Kamala" is is slur. ( with apologies to authentic DeadHeads)

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