Knowing this was going to happen and seeing it happen is the ultimate affirmation. These are the people that did touch that hot stove twice as children.
Not only are these still touching it, they whipped out their nuts or milk bags and are slamming em on the stove as hard as they can asking why "those people" are still hurting them and begging Trump to make the pain go away....
Hope the AHOLES who voted for that POS are happy now. Shit's gonna BIG TIME hit the fan, in SO many ways. Too bad the rest of us will have to suffer too. I'm tired of stupid humans.
No, they don't, but they will find out. Very soon. He STOLE the election. Something very shady about the rapid decision. He wants to be King, or Supreme Leader for Life, or permanent President. His buddies in the Kremlin and N. Korea want their cut. And let's not forget the billionaires. Yeah, we're in for quite the ride. FUCK ALL TRump FANS. FOREVER.
Yes, I agree. And he acted, for weeks before, as if he knew EXACTLY what was going to happen. He barely campaigned, yet he swiftly "won." And, of course, the pundits blame Kamala. Most assessments by the media and the pundits have holes you could drive a truck through.
Yes, he was very CERTAIN about winning. And why was it "over" so quickly? There is something fishy about that election. I remember the hanging chads, and the lost votes, etc. when Gore and Kerry "lost." The same with Hillary. Four more years of that POS will be the death of me. BUT hey, he can't serve a third term. I'm rooting for the McNuggets, and Happy Meals. Hope he strokes out, very soon.
EXACTLY!! We must remember that Vance and ALL the authors of Project 2025 are still lurking in the shadows, and they’re ALL clones of Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars. Trump is merely their puppet. A “useful idiot”. (For a very interesting read, read this Wiki defining a “useful idiot”)
If there’s any “good” thing to come from all this it’s that, with the Melon Felon constantly front, center, loud, and absolutely unable to keep his mouth shut, or his orange face out of the camera eye, people on all sides are paying attention to what’s happening. TBH, most people had very little clue or care about how government works until trump raised his tiny hands, and then we really had to educate ourselves about things we hadn’t thought about since 8th grade.
First of all Teresa, you guys are beginning to sound eerily like drumpf saying he stole the election. He won the election. 15 1/2 million less people voted than in 2020 and there is no way on earth 🌍 the bigoted sexist folk here are going to elect a woman, let alone an African American woman. And for the well intended but shallow peeps calling for Mayor Pete to run in 2028, if there even is an election in 2028, I have a bottle of reality pills for them
I agree with most of what you said, except it makes no sense that so many didn’t vote in 2024 than did in 2020. I have a hard time with that. Southern states were purging thousands off of their voter rolls weeks before the election. It smells bad.
"If there even is an election in 2028" is the crux of the matter. I just have a lot of doubts that there wasn't some major hanky panky going on in the (quite possibly) last election. And I agree with Laura, it smells bad. But either way we're screwed. Dictators will use any excuses to seize power, and make it sound like it's in our best interest. And there's been how many "assassination attempts" so far, like FIVE? LOL. Talk about bad actors. Better keep the mini-pads handy, DUMB-OLD.
I kept my NY Times subscription and my San Francisco Chronicle, after bailing on my Washington Post ("Democracy dies in darkness," eh, Bezos? If NASA still exists and has a choice on which aerospace company to get in bed with, may it be Virgin Galactic; I trust Branson more than Musk and now you) and L.A. Times subs. Yeah, yeah, I know, the Times and Chronicle are probably owned by billionaires too, but at least they had balls. I'm bitterly disappointed in Warren Buffet, though. :(
He will be 84 in 4 years and most likely drooling in his soup. And Vance is no better, he will have full filled his wish of 8 years in the White House (2 Terms of 4 yrs) and won't most likely be able to run again. By then (hopefully Congress will be changed) and we can get back to a better tomorrow.
Yes. People were BURNING ballot drop-off boxes. And doing who knows what else to the ballots, machines, voter's records, etc. Something VERY fishy is going on, but oh well.......too bad the rest of us will have to suffer.
But we voted and still have the right's to complain. If people didn't vote they have NO rights to complain about anything. And we still have the rights to try to fight a better fight to make things better.
It's so good to hear it again. I still hear my dad saying, "If you don't vote, don't complain." I'm actually glad that he is no longer here to see this shit show.
Sadly, I don't think all the tampering (by REPUBLICANS; whenever voter fraud can be found at all, in even tiny amounts, the "law and order" party is always the one doing so) made up for over 40% of eligible voters not doing so at all. X-P
I'm british and it's the same when people voted for brexit. The absolute ignorance of what that decision would actually mean is astounding. However, the problem is that now the hurt is really on, those that voted for it are blaming everything else except for brexit itself. I think you'll find the sand will happen in the USA where Trump and his shorts will get none of the blame when things truly go to shit.
Brexit is the perfect example. The looks on the faces of those voters when they learned they had to get passports to visit Europe are going to be the same as the faces mentioned here: tariffs, deportation, job/education losses. You get what you fucking voted for.
Agree, Wayne, they will never blame Trump, ever. Reality is outside their skill set and lived experience and their bubble……I pray they do, but doubt they will.
You make very good points. I lived in the UK for a while, and my late husband was born in London. I know what he would be saying right now, but I don't think I can say "Trump is a bloody wanker" on here. He was born just after the Blitz, he HATED fascists, and dictators
Of course! It's just that we can't laugh when the idiots realize that their Social Security, etc. etc., has been gutted because it will affect us all as well. And thanks for copyediting the Scriptures. It needed it.
I actually think the GOP and the cultists were prepared to lose and then mount a battle to disrupt and rebel and create havoc. They weren’t expecting to win and are completely unprepared to face their own music of democracy destruction and higher prices and suffering, in general. What use is there in hating and excluding when it comes to higher prices, loss of healthcare, closing down businesses, etc? The revolution was going to be glorious but the consequences are just about suffering. Where’s the glory in that?
For them, that IS glory...the glory of their god, who admires the causing of pain and suffering when it is directed to those who are not the elect. I am reminded of something Jesus was supposed to have said: 'What you do to the least of these, you do to Me.' They, in their unholy zeal to 'help' god by creating an apocalypse, seem to have forgotten about Jesus and turned to the name of the aforementioned Jesus.
Unlike 2020, where Melania was so distraught they won she was bawling her eyes out, and there was zero planning for a celebration, they knew they were going to win and don’t kid yourself Kenny, he’s more than ready to do everything he said he was going to do and more
I couldn't believe that ANYONE would STUPID enough to believe that SHITHEAD'S constant diarrhea of the mouth about anything including tariffs. Just yesterday he was still spewing the same watery SHIT by threatening the new lady President of Mexico with tariffs if she doesn't stop CRIMINALS from crossing our southern border? THE CRIMINAL IS TRUMP, BUT SINCE THERE IS NO LONGER "RULE OF LAW" IN THIS COUNTRY, THAT NO LONGER MATTERS! He threatens to tariff 25%, then 50% and then 100% as he slings that SHIT that Mexico pays the tariffs. What that means is winter veggies like tomatoes, avocados, lettuce, car replacement parts, beer, booze and all matter of stuff will double! THAT IS CALLED INFLATION, YOU KNOW, THE THING TRUMP WAS ACCUSING BIDEN OF CAUSING! These people were warned and warned but cultists just can't take the truth. Now about education: THE RICH STATES LIKE CALIFORNIA WILL STILL EDCUATE. THE RED STATES WILL REMAINE STUPID! That is the way MAGAs want them. When prices go up because of tariffs, MAGAs will blame democrats, and THE STUPID WILL BELIEVE THEM. Frankly, I believe it is time for a great insurrection by splitting the states away and letting these fools starve including all states that went for Trump! Trumpers got away with insurrection in 2021. With no rule of law, we can too.
I am an old Vietnam veteran, now in my 70s. I have seen a lot of places in this world both during and after my service time. I personally knew Manuel (Tony) Noreiga of Panama. We were drinking buddies. My military job was to leak top secret information to him while others tracked that information. I had NEVER seen a more corrupt individual until I saw Trump enter politics. What I have seen is that when rule of law doesn't include the leaders, that country descends into dictatorship and sometimes vigilante law follows. Trump has skated from what should have been a couple of life sentences. He is a proven traitor. If we let that go, why should any of us be accountable for anything?
True, but I predict that, as the prices of necessities double and more, and their kids have no future because public education is gone, and their daughters and other women start dying in huge numbers, and the climate crisis kills many, many folk and people in large numbers lose their homes because of tariffs...well, let 's just say that he will finally piss off everyone. And he and his are idiots if they think those who are armed, including - I hope - veterans, intend to go quietly into his nightmare, boy, do they have another think coming. Women and men need to learn how to defend themselves. Perhaps some sympathetic veterans will share their skills? Or martial arts teachers?
Like your idea but I don't think that's going to happen. And by midterms people are going to be ready to try something different. Trump will end up being a "LAME DUCK" for the rest of his 2nd term in the WH.
My biggest worry ATM is that we won't ever be able to get rid of the blowhard or his cronies, because there will never be another election. I don't know what exact processes are in place to prevent them turning America into a dictatorship/autocracy, but they had better be extra strong because they will absolutely be tested in the coming months.
There are no processes in place to prevent that. Not anymore. SCOTUS killed them all with the immunity decision. There is no longer any law that will hold him accountable or stop him from doing anything, because he can't be prosecuted for anything. This is how dictators are made.
But most of the SCOTUS are "Constitutionalists" I don't think he can get away with getting rid of that one. In the Constitution he is only allowed to serve 2 Terms (8 years) that is why he said to his people that they wouldn't be voting for him ever again. After his term is over he will be 84 years old and will most likely in the throws of dementia!
What he said was they wouldn't ever have to vote again, nor that they wouldn't have to vote for him again. Big difference.
And these so-called Constitutionalists gave him immunity for anything he does in that office. That means that if he wants to declare himself a dictator and throw out the Constitution, then they've given him the freedom to do exactly that, without consequences.
Most likely HE won't ever run for office again, thus they will not ever vote again. I know that sounds crazy but the Constitution only gives him 2 terms. The SCOTUS ONLY gave him immunity for "Adminstrative Presidential Acts" this is all he can do. It would take more that 4 years to become a dictator but he's also going to be 83-84 years old and alzheimer's disease runs in his family. That being said he might be pretty demented by the time this term is over.
I think you underestimate the degree of his narcissism and the level of his ambition. Or perhaps I'm wrong and I'm overestimating.
In any case, it will be easy enough to use the 25th Amendment to push him out and slide Vance in, which appears to have been their plan all along. And Vance is even more psycho than the Tangerine Palpatine.
OMG he will be worse, but he doesn't have the crowd appeal of 45/47! Kind of like Kamala was to Biden. So I'm going to read the Constitution again and see what I can find out.
I have this running argument with my sibling that "stupid" is infinite. The data points from this election season (I believe) support my contention that it is indeed infinite. Mind you, this is not a contest I want to win. But reality intrudes.
Folks failed to educate themselves, believed the huckster, and went over the cliff. We're all going to pay the price of ignorance and hastiness. The essential question remains; how to dig ourselves out of the ditch as well as the nature of the shovel to make that happen.
If the "over the cliff" thing is from the fake Disney lemming scene, as a wildlife biologist, let me reassure (?) everyone: that doesn't happen. If lemming numbers are that high (and that can happen, in a "boom" year for them), every predator in the Arctic is gonna be singing, "Happy days are here again! :D" and every one of them, from ravens to foxes to weasel-types to owls to wolves, etc., is gonna be fat and happy. About the only ones who wouldn't go for the bounty back in the day were polar bears, who mostly only deigned to go after bigger things (seals, people, etc.). Nowadays, the poor things probably would go after lemmings vs. starving to death. X-P
Let's just hope the analogy isn't complete with American politics... :-/
Going into this election I kept getting the feeling that if TFG wins maybe we get what we deserve. I’m not a billionaire but I’m more than comfortable, live in northern NJ 12 miles from Manhattan and don’t need SS to make ends meet. That doesn’t mean that I’m not sick over what happens to other people in my country so I did what I could to insure Harris/Walz won. It didn’t matter because the majority Repugs were ignorant and voted against their own concerns. But now that they have to live with their choice so do others who voted for Harris/Walz. Doesn’t seem fair.
The thing many conveniently forget or ignore is that countries retaliate to tariffs. If Trump adds 20% tariff to China made goods China will turn around and do the same to US made products. Our farmers will suffer as a result.
I have printed the list of his promises and waiting for the $2 a gallon gas, sub 3% mortgage rate, and 50% savings at the grocery store. That will make up for tariffs.
The Chinese did that the first time around. Trade dropped to around $9.1 billion by 2019. Soybean farmers suffered especially badly, with a 75% drop in exports in 2018. His support among farmers sadly didn't drop because the administration used the Commodity Credit Corporation to buy them off. They'll undoubtedly do this again.
The CCC is a unique "agency" that's not really an agency. Its Board of Directors is appointed by the President, and it's administered by people at the USDA. The CCC has the authority to borrow up to $30 billion without Congressional approval, and the Secretary of Agriculture has sole authority on how to spend money borrowed by the CCC.
To buy off farmers with additional subsidies, the Trump administration used the CCC to borrow $28 billion. The CCC has a permenant funding line in the federal budget, and Pay As You Go rules don't apply. The money's simply an annual loss in the budget and goes on the nation's "credit card."
Now, this isn't to say things won't be worse this time around, they will be. If/when the CCC borrows another $28 billion to placate farmers harmed by tariffs, there's only $2 billion left for them to borrow and give farmers after Trump and Miller deport a majority of their workforce.
Back in 2011, Georgia cracked down on undocumented farm workers, and attempted to replace them with convicts on probation. The majority of the convicts walked off the job after only a few days. That stupid plan ended up costing Georgia around $140 million because crops died in the fields.
Imagine this on a multistate scale in 2025 dollars. Any money the CCC borrows is going to be a drop in the bucket compared to the losses farmers are going to face.
Part of me thinks at least some of this is intentional rather than merely stupid. The vast majority (89%) of American farms earn less than $350,000 a year. Despite being the vast majority of farms, they account for less than 20% of production. The more "Mom & Pop" farms fail, the bigger a handful of major agribusinesses can get, and they'll be able to purchase the land for pennies.
I am sure we will have a lot of "And who did you vote for, again?" moments coming in the next 4 years and I intend to use EVERY one of them. Wait till the Christian Nationalists start talking about getting rid of gambling (sports betting, especially) and birth control and maybe even limiting alcohol consumption. After all, those things can lead to sin and affect families! I can't wait till I hear someone complain about prices being higher! "But I thought you were for tariffs!" Voting for racism does have a price, it seems.
Jan, I don't have any of those people in my life, so I won't be having any encounters of the pissed off kind. I intend to keep it that way and do what I can do for the mid-terms and beyond. Otherwise I would just get locked up.
I guess that is part of my problem. I have only those kinds of people in my life. I try very hard to not let them get the best of me, but sometimes I just get so angry. The best I can do is to just not interact with them at all. I have to learn to concentrate on what is positive, like you.
In the Booby Hatch, or in a prison for a violent rampage? 'Cause there are times I think I'm on the verge of either one (or both; there's at least one mental institution for the criminally insane that I know of, since it was in our backyard, just about, and was a major "industry"... :-/).
What concerns me is definite rollbacks in voting. It would be done incrementally, as in Nazi Germany.
First, refuse anyone immigrant, whether they have citizenship or not, the right to vote.
Then everyone in their extended families. People who have anything to do with immigrants are rubbish too, of course.
Then refuse the vote to anyone coloured, non-caucasian in any way.
Next, anyone gay, lesbian, transgender or at all female in any way whatsoever. Probably includes involuntary castrati, because without a female-ramming p***s you probably can't think to suit the oligarchy worth a damn. If you're in a war or an accident in tRumpWorld you're obviously a loser and it's you're fault.
Then you let none of the above run a bank account; the males who own them take full control and ownership of not just the property but the whole underclass as well.
Result: white males can vote. And from any age, because children will do what they're told or get thrashed unconscious. The more sons you have the more votes you have, so breed, damn you, breed!
Dear God(They/Them), You have been with us from the Beginning and I am grateful to hear Your Voice and invitation to speak. You speak to and through the good, the compassionate, and the fair in us, and this place among the clouds is a fine place to listen. Who has ears, let him hear.
Were You omnipotent, as so many would have us believe, our situation today would be different. I've no idea what it would be. You gave us free will, whatever that means; to me, it means that You send us forth alive with no constraints beyond those imposed by Life itself: safety, air, water, food. We live now because humans found ways to cooperate, to bring forth young, and to survive.
We learned to live and work together to do more than survive: to learn, to grow, to explore, to make new. Doing that, we found that, in community, we can each acquire what we need and we can each contribute to the needs of others. We learned that, alone or in groups, we can take more than we need, thus harming others with our greed. We're pretty good at that.
And we've learned how to grasp and deny without triggering expulsion from the community, for as long as we live in this Life.
Dear God, please help us find the human ways to heal this morass of greed and lust for power that has built the monster we are now watching destroy Life itself and Your Holy Mother Earth.
Yesterday, I explained to a coworker that folks buying products would be the ones paying for any associated tariffs. Talk about widening eyes. Good grief.
I suppose there is some nobility in that, Naima, but is it really justified; don’t voters have a modicum of responsibility to read at least 15 minutes about their selection??
I am certainly not excusing anyone from responsibility. God asked for comments and this is how I feel. Ignorance is probably the most dangerous of the “Three Poisons” of greed, hatred and ignorance. I speak as a practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism for the last 50+ years. The people who did not bother to learn the stakes will suffer for it inevitably and it is unspeakably sad .
Therein lies the difficulty, Teddy. For the majority of the vacuous electorate “…,in front of their faces…. “ is a far cry from registering in their feeble brains 🧠. 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲
Knowing this was going to happen and seeing it happen is the ultimate affirmation. These are the people that did touch that hot stove twice as children.
They're still touching it.
Not only are these still touching it, they whipped out their nuts or milk bags and are slamming em on the stove as hard as they can asking why "those people" are still hurting them and begging Trump to make the pain go away....
Hope the AHOLES who voted for that POS are happy now. Shit's gonna BIG TIME hit the fan, in SO many ways. Too bad the rest of us will have to suffer too. I'm tired of stupid humans.
They just have absolutely no idea 🤷♂️
No, they don't, but they will find out. Very soon. He STOLE the election. Something very shady about the rapid decision. He wants to be King, or Supreme Leader for Life, or permanent President. His buddies in the Kremlin and N. Korea want their cut. And let's not forget the billionaires. Yeah, we're in for quite the ride. FUCK ALL TRump FANS. FOREVER.
Yes, I agree. And he acted, for weeks before, as if he knew EXACTLY what was going to happen. He barely campaigned, yet he swiftly "won." And, of course, the pundits blame Kamala. Most assessments by the media and the pundits have holes you could drive a truck through.
Yes, he was very CERTAIN about winning. And why was it "over" so quickly? There is something fishy about that election. I remember the hanging chads, and the lost votes, etc. when Gore and Kerry "lost." The same with Hillary. Four more years of that POS will be the death of me. BUT hey, he can't serve a third term. I'm rooting for the McNuggets, and Happy Meals. Hope he strokes out, very soon.
I’m sure his asshole VP will be just as bad, if not worse: Vance is very evil AND smart.
Exactly, Helen, exactly 🤮🤮
EXACTLY!! We must remember that Vance and ALL the authors of Project 2025 are still lurking in the shadows, and they’re ALL clones of Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars. Trump is merely their puppet. A “useful idiot”. (For a very interesting read, read this Wiki defining a “useful idiot”)
If there’s any “good” thing to come from all this it’s that, with the Melon Felon constantly front, center, loud, and absolutely unable to keep his mouth shut, or his orange face out of the camera eye, people on all sides are paying attention to what’s happening. TBH, most people had very little clue or care about how government works until trump raised his tiny hands, and then we really had to educate ourselves about things we hadn’t thought about since 8th grade.
First of all Teresa, you guys are beginning to sound eerily like drumpf saying he stole the election. He won the election. 15 1/2 million less people voted than in 2020 and there is no way on earth 🌍 the bigoted sexist folk here are going to elect a woman, let alone an African American woman. And for the well intended but shallow peeps calling for Mayor Pete to run in 2028, if there even is an election in 2028, I have a bottle of reality pills for them
I agree with most of what you said, except it makes no sense that so many didn’t vote in 2024 than did in 2020. I have a hard time with that. Southern states were purging thousands off of their voter rolls weeks before the election. It smells bad.
"If there even is an election in 2028" is the crux of the matter. I just have a lot of doubts that there wasn't some major hanky panky going on in the (quite possibly) last election. And I agree with Laura, it smells bad. But either way we're screwed. Dictators will use any excuses to seize power, and make it sound like it's in our best interest. And there's been how many "assassination attempts" so far, like FIVE? LOL. Talk about bad actors. Better keep the mini-pads handy, DUMB-OLD.
I kept my NY Times subscription and my San Francisco Chronicle, after bailing on my Washington Post ("Democracy dies in darkness," eh, Bezos? If NASA still exists and has a choice on which aerospace company to get in bed with, may it be Virgin Galactic; I trust Branson more than Musk and now you) and L.A. Times subs. Yeah, yeah, I know, the Times and Chronicle are probably owned by billionaires too, but at least they had balls. I'm bitterly disappointed in Warren Buffet, though. :(
He will be 84 in 4 years and most likely drooling in his soup. And Vance is no better, he will have full filled his wish of 8 years in the White House (2 Terms of 4 yrs) and won't most likely be able to run again. By then (hopefully Congress will be changed) and we can get back to a better tomorrow.
Yes, he knew.
Yes. People were BURNING ballot drop-off boxes. And doing who knows what else to the ballots, machines, voter's records, etc. Something VERY fishy is going on, but oh well.......too bad the rest of us will have to suffer.
But we voted and still have the right's to complain. If people didn't vote they have NO rights to complain about anything. And we still have the rights to try to fight a better fight to make things better.
It's so good to hear it again. I still hear my dad saying, "If you don't vote, don't complain." I'm actually glad that he is no longer here to see this shit show.
Sadly, I don't think all the tampering (by REPUBLICANS; whenever voter fraud can be found at all, in even tiny amounts, the "law and order" party is always the one doing so) made up for over 40% of eligible voters not doing so at all. X-P
me too
I'm british and it's the same when people voted for brexit. The absolute ignorance of what that decision would actually mean is astounding. However, the problem is that now the hurt is really on, those that voted for it are blaming everything else except for brexit itself. I think you'll find the sand will happen in the USA where Trump and his shorts will get none of the blame when things truly go to shit.
that really fucking sucks
Patience, Beloveds. Tis part of the chaotic wood chipper of Democracy at work. Awareness is a life skill not taught anymore.
Brexit is the perfect example. The looks on the faces of those voters when they learned they had to get passports to visit Europe are going to be the same as the faces mentioned here: tariffs, deportation, job/education losses. You get what you fucking voted for.
Agree, Wayne, they will never blame Trump, ever. Reality is outside their skill set and lived experience and their bubble……I pray they do, but doubt they will.
It will still be Biden’s fault, or maybe Hillary’s.
As expected. Fools, fools, fools.
Sorry for the spelling mistakes. I have fat fingers.
No worries ❤️
You make very good points. I lived in the UK for a while, and my late husband was born in London. I know what he would be saying right now, but I don't think I can say "Trump is a bloody wanker" on here. He was born just after the Blitz, he HATED fascists, and dictators
I know, so typical
I agree. The people that voted for Trump will blame the Dems. That won’t change because they don’t leave their right wing propaganda machine bubble.
Hey God, I think I found a mistake in the bible...
"Blessed are the idiots, for they shall inherit Trump"
There, IFIFY
Sadly, so will the rest of us.
Yeah, but we knew what he stood for. We're not the idiots.
Of course! It's just that we can't laugh when the idiots realize that their Social Security, etc. etc., has been gutted because it will affect us all as well. And thanks for copyediting the Scriptures. It needed it.
I actually think the GOP and the cultists were prepared to lose and then mount a battle to disrupt and rebel and create havoc. They weren’t expecting to win and are completely unprepared to face their own music of democracy destruction and higher prices and suffering, in general. What use is there in hating and excluding when it comes to higher prices, loss of healthcare, closing down businesses, etc? The revolution was going to be glorious but the consequences are just about suffering. Where’s the glory in that?
For them, that IS glory...the glory of their god, who admires the causing of pain and suffering when it is directed to those who are not the elect. I am reminded of something Jesus was supposed to have said: 'What you do to the least of these, you do to Me.' They, in their unholy zeal to 'help' god by creating an apocalypse, seem to have forgotten about Jesus and turned to the name of the aforementioned Jesus.
The hypocrisy is positively radioactive.
Unlike 2020, where Melania was so distraught they won she was bawling her eyes out, and there was zero planning for a celebration, they knew they were going to win and don’t kid yourself Kenny, he’s more than ready to do everything he said he was going to do and more
I couldn't believe that ANYONE would STUPID enough to believe that SHITHEAD'S constant diarrhea of the mouth about anything including tariffs. Just yesterday he was still spewing the same watery SHIT by threatening the new lady President of Mexico with tariffs if she doesn't stop CRIMINALS from crossing our southern border? THE CRIMINAL IS TRUMP, BUT SINCE THERE IS NO LONGER "RULE OF LAW" IN THIS COUNTRY, THAT NO LONGER MATTERS! He threatens to tariff 25%, then 50% and then 100% as he slings that SHIT that Mexico pays the tariffs. What that means is winter veggies like tomatoes, avocados, lettuce, car replacement parts, beer, booze and all matter of stuff will double! THAT IS CALLED INFLATION, YOU KNOW, THE THING TRUMP WAS ACCUSING BIDEN OF CAUSING! These people were warned and warned but cultists just can't take the truth. Now about education: THE RICH STATES LIKE CALIFORNIA WILL STILL EDCUATE. THE RED STATES WILL REMAINE STUPID! That is the way MAGAs want them. When prices go up because of tariffs, MAGAs will blame democrats, and THE STUPID WILL BELIEVE THEM. Frankly, I believe it is time for a great insurrection by splitting the states away and letting these fools starve including all states that went for Trump! Trumpers got away with insurrection in 2021. With no rule of law, we can too.
Of course the rule of law still exists. It no longer applies to HIM or to those he empowers, but the rest of us must still obey.
I am an old Vietnam veteran, now in my 70s. I have seen a lot of places in this world both during and after my service time. I personally knew Manuel (Tony) Noreiga of Panama. We were drinking buddies. My military job was to leak top secret information to him while others tracked that information. I had NEVER seen a more corrupt individual until I saw Trump enter politics. What I have seen is that when rule of law doesn't include the leaders, that country descends into dictatorship and sometimes vigilante law follows. Trump has skated from what should have been a couple of life sentences. He is a proven traitor. If we let that go, why should any of us be accountable for anything?
True, but I predict that, as the prices of necessities double and more, and their kids have no future because public education is gone, and their daughters and other women start dying in huge numbers, and the climate crisis kills many, many folk and people in large numbers lose their homes because of tariffs...well, let 's just say that he will finally piss off everyone. And he and his are idiots if they think those who are armed, including - I hope - veterans, intend to go quietly into his nightmare, boy, do they have another think coming. Women and men need to learn how to defend themselves. Perhaps some sympathetic veterans will share their skills? Or martial arts teachers?
Because he, the dictator, will enforce it against those who oppose him. Simple.
Well, that's okay; we can always use their favorite saying: "If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns!" ;)
I live in AZ. If I could move next door to CA, I would.
Like your idea but I don't think that's going to happen. And by midterms people are going to be ready to try something different. Trump will end up being a "LAME DUCK" for the rest of his 2nd term in the WH.
My biggest worry ATM is that we won't ever be able to get rid of the blowhard or his cronies, because there will never be another election. I don't know what exact processes are in place to prevent them turning America into a dictatorship/autocracy, but they had better be extra strong because they will absolutely be tested in the coming months.
There are no processes in place to prevent that. Not anymore. SCOTUS killed them all with the immunity decision. There is no longer any law that will hold him accountable or stop him from doing anything, because he can't be prosecuted for anything. This is how dictators are made.
But most of the SCOTUS are "Constitutionalists" I don't think he can get away with getting rid of that one. In the Constitution he is only allowed to serve 2 Terms (8 years) that is why he said to his people that they wouldn't be voting for him ever again. After his term is over he will be 84 years old and will most likely in the throws of dementia!
What he said was they wouldn't ever have to vote again, nor that they wouldn't have to vote for him again. Big difference.
And these so-called Constitutionalists gave him immunity for anything he does in that office. That means that if he wants to declare himself a dictator and throw out the Constitution, then they've given him the freedom to do exactly that, without consequences.
Most likely HE won't ever run for office again, thus they will not ever vote again. I know that sounds crazy but the Constitution only gives him 2 terms. The SCOTUS ONLY gave him immunity for "Adminstrative Presidential Acts" this is all he can do. It would take more that 4 years to become a dictator but he's also going to be 83-84 years old and alzheimer's disease runs in his family. That being said he might be pretty demented by the time this term is over.
I think you underestimate the degree of his narcissism and the level of his ambition. Or perhaps I'm wrong and I'm overestimating.
In any case, it will be easy enough to use the 25th Amendment to push him out and slide Vance in, which appears to have been their plan all along. And Vance is even more psycho than the Tangerine Palpatine.
OMG he will be worse, but he doesn't have the crowd appeal of 45/47! Kind of like Kamala was to Biden. So I'm going to read the Constitution again and see what I can find out.
They will have an “election” but only one candidate, like Russia and other autocratic and oligarchic countries.
yes this is what putin wanted a broken america with his useful idiot, I watch euro news and EUROPE IS FREAKED OUT , they all wanted VP Harris to win
Amen. :-/
I pray not.
I have this running argument with my sibling that "stupid" is infinite. The data points from this election season (I believe) support my contention that it is indeed infinite. Mind you, this is not a contest I want to win. But reality intrudes.
Folks failed to educate themselves, believed the huckster, and went over the cliff. We're all going to pay the price of ignorance and hastiness. The essential question remains; how to dig ourselves out of the ditch as well as the nature of the shovel to make that happen.
God help us all. Love one another.
If the "over the cliff" thing is from the fake Disney lemming scene, as a wildlife biologist, let me reassure (?) everyone: that doesn't happen. If lemming numbers are that high (and that can happen, in a "boom" year for them), every predator in the Arctic is gonna be singing, "Happy days are here again! :D" and every one of them, from ravens to foxes to weasel-types to owls to wolves, etc., is gonna be fat and happy. About the only ones who wouldn't go for the bounty back in the day were polar bears, who mostly only deigned to go after bigger things (seals, people, etc.). Nowadays, the poor things probably would go after lemmings vs. starving to death. X-P
Let's just hope the analogy isn't complete with American politics... :-/
Going into this election I kept getting the feeling that if TFG wins maybe we get what we deserve. I’m not a billionaire but I’m more than comfortable, live in northern NJ 12 miles from Manhattan and don’t need SS to make ends meet. That doesn’t mean that I’m not sick over what happens to other people in my country so I did what I could to insure Harris/Walz won. It didn’t matter because the majority Repugs were ignorant and voted against their own concerns. But now that they have to live with their choice so do others who voted for Harris/Walz. Doesn’t seem fair.
"We must all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately."
Thank you, tecolote42. This not the time to retreat and isolate.
The thing many conveniently forget or ignore is that countries retaliate to tariffs. If Trump adds 20% tariff to China made goods China will turn around and do the same to US made products. Our farmers will suffer as a result.
I have printed the list of his promises and waiting for the $2 a gallon gas, sub 3% mortgage rate, and 50% savings at the grocery store. That will make up for tariffs.
I just hope no one’s holding their breath, David
The Chinese did that the first time around. Trade dropped to around $9.1 billion by 2019. Soybean farmers suffered especially badly, with a 75% drop in exports in 2018. His support among farmers sadly didn't drop because the administration used the Commodity Credit Corporation to buy them off. They'll undoubtedly do this again.
The CCC is a unique "agency" that's not really an agency. Its Board of Directors is appointed by the President, and it's administered by people at the USDA. The CCC has the authority to borrow up to $30 billion without Congressional approval, and the Secretary of Agriculture has sole authority on how to spend money borrowed by the CCC.
To buy off farmers with additional subsidies, the Trump administration used the CCC to borrow $28 billion. The CCC has a permenant funding line in the federal budget, and Pay As You Go rules don't apply. The money's simply an annual loss in the budget and goes on the nation's "credit card."
Now, this isn't to say things won't be worse this time around, they will be. If/when the CCC borrows another $28 billion to placate farmers harmed by tariffs, there's only $2 billion left for them to borrow and give farmers after Trump and Miller deport a majority of their workforce.
Back in 2011, Georgia cracked down on undocumented farm workers, and attempted to replace them with convicts on probation. The majority of the convicts walked off the job after only a few days. That stupid plan ended up costing Georgia around $140 million because crops died in the fields.
Imagine this on a multistate scale in 2025 dollars. Any money the CCC borrows is going to be a drop in the bucket compared to the losses farmers are going to face.
Part of me thinks at least some of this is intentional rather than merely stupid. The vast majority (89%) of American farms earn less than $350,000 a year. Despite being the vast majority of farms, they account for less than 20% of production. The more "Mom & Pop" farms fail, the bigger a handful of major agribusinesses can get, and they'll be able to purchase the land for pennies.
And the rest of us will suffer the same fate. BTW, is Tim Walz one of Your Son's disciples?
Maybe if the ticket had been Walz/Harris, we'd have done better.
I am sure we will have a lot of "And who did you vote for, again?" moments coming in the next 4 years and I intend to use EVERY one of them. Wait till the Christian Nationalists start talking about getting rid of gambling (sports betting, especially) and birth control and maybe even limiting alcohol consumption. After all, those things can lead to sin and affect families! I can't wait till I hear someone complain about prices being higher! "But I thought you were for tariffs!" Voting for racism does have a price, it seems.
Jan, I don't have any of those people in my life, so I won't be having any encounters of the pissed off kind. I intend to keep it that way and do what I can do for the mid-terms and beyond. Otherwise I would just get locked up.
I guess that is part of my problem. I have only those kinds of people in my life. I try very hard to not let them get the best of me, but sometimes I just get so angry. The best I can do is to just not interact with them at all. I have to learn to concentrate on what is positive, like you.
My mental health (such as it is) would completely disappear. I get your anger, and I am sorry you have to deal with them. You are not alone at all. ❤️
In the Booby Hatch, or in a prison for a violent rampage? 'Cause there are times I think I'm on the verge of either one (or both; there's at least one mental institution for the criminally insane that I know of, since it was in our backyard, just about, and was a major "industry"... :-/).
What concerns me is definite rollbacks in voting. It would be done incrementally, as in Nazi Germany.
First, refuse anyone immigrant, whether they have citizenship or not, the right to vote.
Then everyone in their extended families. People who have anything to do with immigrants are rubbish too, of course.
Then refuse the vote to anyone coloured, non-caucasian in any way.
Next, anyone gay, lesbian, transgender or at all female in any way whatsoever. Probably includes involuntary castrati, because without a female-ramming p***s you probably can't think to suit the oligarchy worth a damn. If you're in a war or an accident in tRumpWorld you're obviously a loser and it's you're fault.
Then you let none of the above run a bank account; the males who own them take full control and ownership of not just the property but the whole underclass as well.
Result: white males can vote. And from any age, because children will do what they're told or get thrashed unconscious. The more sons you have the more votes you have, so breed, damn you, breed!
But breed "properly."
The females you drown, and only raise the males?
Dear God(They/Them), You have been with us from the Beginning and I am grateful to hear Your Voice and invitation to speak. You speak to and through the good, the compassionate, and the fair in us, and this place among the clouds is a fine place to listen. Who has ears, let him hear.
Were You omnipotent, as so many would have us believe, our situation today would be different. I've no idea what it would be. You gave us free will, whatever that means; to me, it means that You send us forth alive with no constraints beyond those imposed by Life itself: safety, air, water, food. We live now because humans found ways to cooperate, to bring forth young, and to survive.
We learned to live and work together to do more than survive: to learn, to grow, to explore, to make new. Doing that, we found that, in community, we can each acquire what we need and we can each contribute to the needs of others. We learned that, alone or in groups, we can take more than we need, thus harming others with our greed. We're pretty good at that.
And we've learned how to grasp and deny without triggering expulsion from the community, for as long as we live in this Life.
Dear God, please help us find the human ways to heal this morass of greed and lust for power that has built the monster we are now watching destroy Life itself and Your Holy Mother Earth.
Yesterday, I explained to a coworker that folks buying products would be the ones paying for any associated tariffs. Talk about widening eyes. Good grief.
What goes around, comes around.
In other words Karma,la
Punti! Punt! Solidarity all. I do actually have compassion for people who were too ignorant to know what they were voting for/against.
I suppose there is some nobility in that, Naima, but is it really justified; don’t voters have a modicum of responsibility to read at least 15 minutes about their selection??
HAVE the responsibility? Absolutely.
EXECUTE the responsibility? Therein lies the problem.
I am certainly not excusing anyone from responsibility. God asked for comments and this is how I feel. Ignorance is probably the most dangerous of the “Three Poisons” of greed, hatred and ignorance. I speak as a practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism for the last 50+ years. The people who did not bother to learn the stakes will suffer for it inevitably and it is unspeakably sad .
You are a far better person than I am. It has been in front of everyone's faces for the entire campaign.
Therein lies the difficulty, Teddy. For the majority of the vacuous electorate “…,in front of their faces…. “ is a far cry from registering in their feeble brains 🧠. 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲
You are right but the fire hose of mis and disinformation from countless bad actors made it harder for many to discern what was true.
That’s because you are a good person.
That is kind of you to say. Like anyone, I am angry and sad about it but choose not to cultivate hatred or vengeance as a moral cornerstone in life.