I hadn't read or seen or whatever that oft-quoted work, but iirc from what snippets I've heard about it, wasn't that president A HELL OF A LOT MORE QUALIFIED and cared more about America? And was probably SMARTER than the Gone-Off Satsuma? :-P
OK - don't these jokers have to be confirmed by the Senate? I know it's a GOP senate, but some of these people might not get through??? Trying to be hopeful here. Also, remember that EVERYTHING that comes out of that orange monsters mouth is a projection. Remember when he talked about shithole countries....well, sad to say he was talking about what he has in mind for us. I am no longer watching the political news and won't be for a long time. Excuse me, I have to go throw up now.
I just hope these...(sorry, I cannot come up with a suitable name for them, other than fuckups...)aren't confirmed...NONE of them make any sense...wait, can I be the official White House chef? Literal Shit on a Shingle for breakfast, lunch, and dinner should work until he bites the big one!
IDIOCRACY was the perfect film for the first shithead's presidency, Trump 2.0 seems to be exactly the same as IDIOCRACY! I believe that there was fraud in the election and certainly Trump is not constitutionally eligible to either run or assume the office. Not a damn thing to do about it as a private senior citizen in a red state, where is the DOJ and FBI and the current president? Why did this happen?
If Christian Nationalist stand for this Matt Guts thing, they really, really should be smited, God. Maybe you should rethink the rainbow thing. We could get several of those giant cruse ships and pile all of the non-Chump supporters on and open the floodgates. (Here in America, anyway). That is the only way I see of getting rid of these vermin. Amen! Awomen!
I think I saw something about that. Doesn't it start in Scotland? If I had that much money, I'd pay my mortgage off. It would be nice to be away from here for 4 years, though!
I don't remember where it starts. I could not afford it, so only paid attention to the highlights. If I sold my house I could do it, but cruise ships induce some phobia in me, so....
My wife and I are going today to start the process of renewing our passports. We are not going on vacation. It seems that all integrity left this nation on November 5th so, why should we stay? It seems that Trump is openly declaring war on the best generals in our military because they don't buy into swearing loyalty to him. It won't be long before his war will be against, we old veterans. Why not? We are nothing but "Suckers and Losers" to DonOLD DOGSHIT DRAFT DODGER TRUMP. Under Mat Gaetz, the rule of law will be whatever the Dogshit wants done! Albert Einstein left Germany in the spring of 1933, after Hitler took over as dictator. HE WAS A SMART GUY! I hope Musk, Trump and his cabinet will be get the same fate as Mussolini and his mistress got once the American people realize how they were conned by these traitors. It will be a sad day when I leave the country where I was born and the country that I have given my blood to serve and love, but I WILL NEVER SERVE SCUM OR THOSE THAT ELECTED IT!
Control courts, attack and undermine media., control information, control military leadership and purge the independent officers, use military to intimidate citizens, control legal targeting (AG), control enforcement with loyalists (FBI), control financial system (subjugate Fed), intimidate with thugs (Jan 6 and coming pardons to recruit), and manipulate or coerce oligarchs ( trade and tariff exemptions)… the list goes on…promote bias and division and inflame hatred etc etc. Stalin-esque behavior underway. Also bad for the economy next year!
I keep thinking it can’t get any worse but Trump keep surprising me. Or maybe it’s more of a complete shock! Keep the faith because we will get through this.
I keep pinching myself and trying to wake up. All the appointees are so horrendous! When I’m thinking Marco Rubio is “more reasonable” I know something is seriously wrong!!
Noem has been picked for the Department of Homeland Security if I am not mistaken. If I am wrong, well, fuck me.
You know about DHS. FEMA, Secret Service, carrying out the Prez's immigration policies at our borders, etc.. My impression was that you thought it was the EPA. The person tapped for the EPA is just what you would think. Terrible for the environment. No small thing.
Apparently, calling Matt Gaetz a(n alleged) pedophile was enough to get a post banned on LinkedIn. I'm requesting the ban be lifted because I did say "alleged" and he's scum to boot, but I'm not optimistic.
QAnon is Kabuki Theater for the insane and Matt Gaetz is starring therein as a real life Teddy Boy. Since Lucifer and his band of flying monkeys won the trifecta of American politics and will soon be infesting the White House, I humbly propose a different take on this Despair of the Century.
Instead of wringing our hands and gnashing our teeth over tragedies we can do nothing about, we could just embrace the sorry situation. Dungfly Donald and his MAGAts own the entire neighborhood, as it were. When the failures and scandals start to pile up, they will have no one to point to and cry "It's their fault!" Because the Democrats are now on a four-year sabbatical. Seriously, I have no want to try and squeeze a thimble full of rational thought out of these idiots. There are gorillas with whom I could converse on a higher level. I say, spring the horses and let see where they end up. My guess is in a New Jersey landfill.
The Dark Ages followed the fall of the Roman Empire. Few celebrations, optimism hid in dark closets, lots of mental health issues. Then there were the exciting years of the Inquisition in the 12th Century when "religious" men wore red silk dresses and went about looking for blasphemers and nonbelievers to light up. Ah, well, so they burned a few people at the stake. On the upside, bonfires are so cozy.
It took a helluva lot of hopeful thoughts to crawl out those two stints in Hell. Everything is cyclical. How lucky we are to have those two events reoccur -- and at the same time. And it is so true. The sign of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. We had two pandemics in 2016 -- Covid-19 and Trump-16. But many of us survived Covid and we all survived Trump. Against all odds, we made it! And how we are doing it all over again with Trump-24 and we think it's not going to be a threat to our way of life as we know and love it?
Why, I bet Matt Gaetz is getting fitted for his red silk dress even as I write this.
Idiocracy is happening and it's fucking scary.
I hadn't read or seen or whatever that oft-quoted work, but iirc from what snippets I've heard about it, wasn't that president A HELL OF A LOT MORE QUALIFIED and cared more about America? And was probably SMARTER than the Gone-Off Satsuma? :-P
OK - don't these jokers have to be confirmed by the Senate? I know it's a GOP senate, but some of these people might not get through??? Trying to be hopeful here. Also, remember that EVERYTHING that comes out of that orange monsters mouth is a projection. Remember when he talked about shithole countries....well, sad to say he was talking about what he has in mind for us. I am no longer watching the political news and won't be for a long time. Excuse me, I have to go throw up now.
See you when it's over. Good luck.
I just hope these...(sorry, I cannot come up with a suitable name for them, other than fuckups...)aren't confirmed...NONE of them make any sense...wait, can I be the official White House chef? Literal Shit on a Shingle for breakfast, lunch, and dinner should work until he bites the big one!
IDIOCRACY was the perfect film for the first shithead's presidency, Trump 2.0 seems to be exactly the same as IDIOCRACY! I believe that there was fraud in the election and certainly Trump is not constitutionally eligible to either run or assume the office. Not a damn thing to do about it as a private senior citizen in a red state, where is the DOJ and FBI and the current president? Why did this happen?
If Christian Nationalist stand for this Matt Guts thing, they really, really should be smited, God. Maybe you should rethink the rainbow thing. We could get several of those giant cruse ships and pile all of the non-Chump supporters on and open the floodgates. (Here in America, anyway). That is the only way I see of getting rid of these vermin. Amen! Awomen!
Jan, there is a four year cruise you can buy now. 165 countries, hundreds of stops. It starts at over 250K. Just saying.
I think I saw something about that. Doesn't it start in Scotland? If I had that much money, I'd pay my mortgage off. It would be nice to be away from here for 4 years, though!
I don't remember where it starts. I could not afford it, so only paid attention to the highlights. If I sold my house I could do it, but cruise ships induce some phobia in me, so....
My wife and I are going today to start the process of renewing our passports. We are not going on vacation. It seems that all integrity left this nation on November 5th so, why should we stay? It seems that Trump is openly declaring war on the best generals in our military because they don't buy into swearing loyalty to him. It won't be long before his war will be against, we old veterans. Why not? We are nothing but "Suckers and Losers" to DonOLD DOGSHIT DRAFT DODGER TRUMP. Under Mat Gaetz, the rule of law will be whatever the Dogshit wants done! Albert Einstein left Germany in the spring of 1933, after Hitler took over as dictator. HE WAS A SMART GUY! I hope Musk, Trump and his cabinet will be get the same fate as Mussolini and his mistress got once the American people realize how they were conned by these traitors. It will be a sad day when I leave the country where I was born and the country that I have given my blood to serve and love, but I WILL NEVER SERVE SCUM OR THOSE THAT ELECTED IT!
"Chaodiotic" is my new favorite word.
Control courts, attack and undermine media., control information, control military leadership and purge the independent officers, use military to intimidate citizens, control legal targeting (AG), control enforcement with loyalists (FBI), control financial system (subjugate Fed), intimidate with thugs (Jan 6 and coming pardons to recruit), and manipulate or coerce oligarchs ( trade and tariff exemptions)… the list goes on…promote bias and division and inflame hatred etc etc. Stalin-esque behavior underway. Also bad for the economy next year!
I keep thinking it can’t get any worse but Trump keep surprising me. Or maybe it’s more of a complete shock! Keep the faith because we will get through this.
I keep pinching myself and trying to wake up. All the appointees are so horrendous! When I’m thinking Marco Rubio is “more reasonable” I know something is seriously wrong!!
Oh, he's not.
Good afternoon God.
Well isn't this swell.
Noem has been picked for the Department of Homeland Security if I am not mistaken. If I am wrong, well, fuck me.
You know about DHS. FEMA, Secret Service, carrying out the Prez's immigration policies at our borders, etc.. My impression was that you thought it was the EPA. The person tapped for the EPA is just what you would think. Terrible for the environment. No small thing.
Matt Gaetz.
I can't even.
Oh yeah thanks.
Yeah, I got that wrong! It's hard to keep track, none of them make any sense.
Apparently, calling Matt Gaetz a(n alleged) pedophile was enough to get a post banned on LinkedIn. I'm requesting the ban be lifted because I did say "alleged" and he's scum to boot, but I'm not optimistic.
They can’t stand the truth. On FB I called Clarence Thomas a whore. Banned and never went back.
The ethics committee should just release (leak?) the report anyway.
Let us pray that the laws and Constitution prevail, You willing.
I actually watched Idiocracy the other day. This real life version is even stupider
Excuse me. I meant to say more stupid. LOL. Pot meet kettle.
QAnon is Kabuki Theater for the insane and Matt Gaetz is starring therein as a real life Teddy Boy. Since Lucifer and his band of flying monkeys won the trifecta of American politics and will soon be infesting the White House, I humbly propose a different take on this Despair of the Century.
Instead of wringing our hands and gnashing our teeth over tragedies we can do nothing about, we could just embrace the sorry situation. Dungfly Donald and his MAGAts own the entire neighborhood, as it were. When the failures and scandals start to pile up, they will have no one to point to and cry "It's their fault!" Because the Democrats are now on a four-year sabbatical. Seriously, I have no want to try and squeeze a thimble full of rational thought out of these idiots. There are gorillas with whom I could converse on a higher level. I say, spring the horses and let see where they end up. My guess is in a New Jersey landfill.
Never give up. Understand the impulse, but try ❤️🖖
The Dark Ages followed the fall of the Roman Empire. Few celebrations, optimism hid in dark closets, lots of mental health issues. Then there were the exciting years of the Inquisition in the 12th Century when "religious" men wore red silk dresses and went about looking for blasphemers and nonbelievers to light up. Ah, well, so they burned a few people at the stake. On the upside, bonfires are so cozy.
It took a helluva lot of hopeful thoughts to crawl out those two stints in Hell. Everything is cyclical. How lucky we are to have those two events reoccur -- and at the same time. And it is so true. The sign of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. We had two pandemics in 2016 -- Covid-19 and Trump-16. But many of us survived Covid and we all survived Trump. Against all odds, we made it! And how we are doing it all over again with Trump-24 and we think it's not going to be a threat to our way of life as we know and love it?
Why, I bet Matt Gaetz is getting fitted for his red silk dress even as I write this.