A bad day for maga is a good day for America!

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Agreed. When they lose and cry, we win and laugh.

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LMFAO you're crying now.

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Not so much, but I am absolutely worried for the future, particularly what may happen to those who are most at risk. The LGBTQ+ friends I have, the seniors who can no longer afford their medication and those who dissent against the administration.

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That is the absolute truth!!!

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Dear God, after the election of 2016 I felt completely dejected and in disbelief that he could have won. Thank you for 2020 and four years of sanity to clean up his mess. I am now gloriously looking forward to our first female president!

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The only Selzer better than Alka is Ann and she’s the gold standard 🩵🩵

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A proud Democrat voting for a woman for president against Trump in the 2016 and 2024 election. The difference is we are voting to save our democracy now.

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We might not have known it then, but we were doing the same thing in 2016 and 2020!

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In 2016 I filled in my candidate Bernie Sanders. We didn't win obviously. This year I voted for Kamala/Walz and I'm very hopeful that this is our year. Amen.

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We were big Bernie supporters!!

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Agreed. 2016, Bernie. 2020, Biden. 2024, HARRIS.

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I’m not one for violence. But if Joey puts up a pay-per-view I’m tuning in.

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I’ll donate a rusty grapefruit spoon.

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I can find a rusty knife.

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Was that the great Tizzy Ent in the ad?

In 2016, I was convinced that Hillary would win and then saw how the states were going. I went to bed early and woke up feeling the way the atmosphere looked in Yellow Submarine after the Blue Meanies took over.

Yes, please castrate yourself, buddy. You're one breeder we don't need. And dear Lord, whoever wins, please protect us from the wrath of the sTrumpets. Amen.

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My 70th birthday is November 9th - in 2016, the day after that disastrous election. WORST BIRTHDAY EVER!

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I hope at this one, you're blowing horns and scarfing ice cream and enjoying the best gift we could ever get.

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Actually, planning a fun night - Billy Joel AND Sting in concert together in Las Vegas! It will be a great way to celebrate Kamala’s victory, too! 🤞🤞🤞

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That sounds amazing! Happy early birthday!

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Oh wow, what a blast that will be. Wish I could go too.

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Hey True God (rather than the fabricated one those rich Evangelicals worship) you gotta sort this out tomorrow. The world’s looking for a miracle and, preferably, a thunderbolt.

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Truth be told Kam probably won't win Iowa, but this is scaring the shit out of the maganutz camp. But if she does win, I'll be happy to hold this rat bastard down.

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2016– Bernie in the Primaries/Hillary in General election. 2020-(Warren in primaries)/Biden in the general . 2024 —proudly voted for Kamala and Tim in early voting. I am an election official in tomorrow’s final day. I am praying for a big blue wave!

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Thank you for your service.

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If this guy really wants to do this deed, maybe he could use an experienced farmer. There are lots of them in Iowa that would love to help. When I was a kid, we castrated a lot of things. I always felt sorry for the male animals. That won't happen with this guy. Trump was always happy with this same pollster in the last elections of 2016 and 2020. Now, all of a sudden, she is a supposed Trump hater? Trump is constantly pointing his finger at people and blaming them for his own buffoonery and can't see that three fingers are pointing back! Tomorrow night, the hired help at Mar A Lago should only have the small McDonalds style ketchup packets available. Easier to clean up the mess after Trump throws his ketchup fits.

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I didn't vote in 2016, the candidates sucked.

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Good afternoon God. In 2016 on election day I was 62. I think. The next day I was 238. Now I'm a hopeful 983. This stuff can age you.

Love the Samuel Jackson meme and I don't even like memes.

Don Jr. can fuck off.

Oh yeah thanks.

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In 2016 I said Trump couldn’t win because “Americans are better than that.” I was wrong. But, two things. (1) People are beginning to see him for what he is, and he and Vance are running the worst campaign. (2) Kamala is one of the most successful candidates I have ever seen. She works hard with a positive message, a plan to keep us on a the path of democracy and peace, prosperity and goodness. She has not taken anything or any state for granted. She has never shown the least bit of entitlement.

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God, you can tell Mr. Mann that DonOld will protect him if he goes through with his plan - weather he wants the protection or not!!!! Thank you, God!! Amen!! Awomen!!

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Dear God, well it looks like mr man a rhino just might be making himself into ms woman a rhino. It also looks like jr is starting the bs about fake ballots already. And the orange one is turning farmers against him, or causing the farmers' first impulse to lean towards Harris to be justified. And Charlie Kirk NEEDS to have a mild heart attack, or mild stroke, (not bad enough to kill him or cause any other "damage" than to just wake him up, mentally - I don't wish anyone any harm) for getting himself so wound up over not being able to control someone else's vote. Where I was in 2016 is the same place I am in 2024 - I have never and never will - vote for the orange one.

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