I think when they ask Donald a question and he doesn't answer it but goes into a series of lies. Kamala should start her answer with a question like "is it true that you were convinced of fraud in the Trump university?" 🤣 And then answer the question, that will force him to try and discredit her question and totally throw him off balance. Because it's impossible for him to give a short answer, remember he likes to "weave".
We do know what to expect from Trump: lies, fabrications, obfuscation, hypocrisy, endless blather, victimization, bizarre stories that have no basis in reality, apocalyptic predictions of doom and gloom.
Kamala will CRUSH Trump in the debate. She is a prosecutor so she knows how to handle a CONVICTED FELON. I hope her calm and cheerful demeanor drives him CRAZY!
I'll be watching the debate tonight wearing this "Kamala removes stubborn orange stains" T 👇
Woke up early to watch it live in India, fingers crossed (sorry, I don't pray!)
I think when they ask Donald a question and he doesn't answer it but goes into a series of lies. Kamala should start her answer with a question like "is it true that you were convinced of fraud in the Trump university?" 🤣 And then answer the question, that will force him to try and discredit her question and totally throw him off balance. Because it's impossible for him to give a short answer, remember he likes to "weave".
We do know what to expect from Trump: lies, fabrications, obfuscation, hypocrisy, endless blather, victimization, bizarre stories that have no basis in reality, apocalyptic predictions of doom and gloom.
Kamala will CRUSH Trump in the debate. She is a prosecutor so she knows how to handle a CONVICTED FELON. I hope her calm and cheerful demeanor drives him CRAZY!
I'll be watching the debate tonight wearing this "Kamala removes stubborn orange stains" T 👇
Let's go Kamala!
They're not allowed to ask the other candidate any questions.
I find it funny that Trump's team did not want an open mic while Team Harris did. 🤣
Good night all; have an early morning ☮️
Man....I don't know Jesus. We all love you, but your followers are such liars!!
Trump’s totally FUCKED!!!