Send them all the fuck to Russia. They all love Putin so much. Let them kiss his ass and suck his little Putin in person.

Take away their passports, their IDs, and all but about $500 in cash. Put them on a list barring them from re-entering the country, and if they somehow get in? GITMO!

Is my language coarse? You bet your ass or is! I've fucking HAD IT with these morons!

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*it is

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Will they get to see the famed pee pee tapes 🤔 😳 🙄 😆 😕 😬. Vote yellow!

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You know that is a lie

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You are forgetting Machiavelli ‼️

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You’re the MORON if you think it is okay for anyone and everyone to just walk in to our country.

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No common sense allowed!

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Good name! A bit of saucy and a great flavor too 😋 👌.

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Why do you think that's happening?

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I would agree with you, but this is what Hitler tried to do to the Jewish Germans at first. I say let them them repay all their debts first, then take whatever is left and leave the country. And if they don't want to, make them sign repatriation agreements that they will uphold the Constitution and not THEIR interpretation of it.

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They would never do any of that, though.

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Then we throw them out with the belongings they have left. If you don't want to obey the Constitution, then you aren't an American.

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Elegance in all things, darling, elegance. I am not condescending to you; I am sharing something I know. Understand me well, I is called Radical Pacifism, and it is SAVAGE as all Hades. It requires the most strategic, battle-tested, “Art of War, patience that reactionary extremism on the Right just does not have. In short, do NOT become the FIEND as they are; you will not win the war. Be a cold, calculating, strategic, in my case … BEOTCH💋

Get it?🥰

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The two legged lemmings ( apologies, lemming) all need to be encouraged to line up to board onto a Musk Ego Booster rocket. To the state of oblivion.

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This is a good solution. I would not want to dump these ass clowns on any other country on earth. Shoot them to space on a one way trip and take Musk with them.

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We already have too much trash 🗑 in orbit. Shoot for the sun 🌞.

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Let's not burden even the Moon or Mars with those assholes, because they may end up literally dictating the future of humanity. X-P

On the other hand, if those worlds are treated like the U.S. state of Georgia or the continent of Australia was, as very loosely-run prisons for "criminals" (probably at least some were those who objected to the U.K. government at the time), maybe there's hope for us yet... ;)

[I'd actually written the Picard Polemic down there earlier, but there was a double-post of it, so this more recent, confusing comment...]

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Even lemmings aren't even as crazy as that crop of RWNJs; that was Disney rigging the camera shot by killing hundreds of lemmings by chucking them over the edge. Trust a field biologist on this: when lemming populations shoot way up, so do the populations of every predator out there big enough to take them on, from ravens and arctic foxes to birds of prey up to wolves, who aren't picky when it comes to meat (but another Disney sin: hating on every predator out there but lions). ;)

I think about the only ones in the Arctic who don't deign to touch them are polar bears, but those poor things are so desperate now they might even consider it. :-/

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"We need to remove every illegal alien immediately to preserve the integrity of our nation."

Integrity?! This country hasn’t had integrity since the Obama administration.

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Good, I’m sure the Native Americans will be glad to get their land back.

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Biden has integrity.

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Fake, just like Milli Vanilli 🤪

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Yeah, i can see why youd find this funny considering your guy identifies integrity as a weakness he exploits.

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And yet every illegal immigrant should should be DEPORTED immediately!

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The problem that you've created is that in your very small mind, all immigrants are illegal. Because conservatives, by definition, lack creative thinking capabilities, you haven't even noticed this. A person with a green card is a legal immigrant. Same for an asylum seeker, while their plea for protection from the violence they fled is being heard. Same for tourists, and students, and skilled workers.

But not in your mind. In your mind, all immigrants are "illegal" because bigotry, in this case racism, makes things like critical thinking basically impossible.

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Well said! Because TRumpanzee’s are just that hate filled, just like their convicted rapist/felon/traitor/OLD/demented dotard #FDJT

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Evacuate the sane people then turn Florida into a prison colony

Then deport them all there. It'll be like that movie Escape from New York but with Florida man. Proceeds from the hidden cameras for the Florida reality TV show can pay for it's upkeep

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Florida is too beautiful for them, take em the desert, no water, good luck mother fuckers!!!

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Why are you so violent?

You know you're talking about a bunch of women and children you want to execute by slow exposure, right? You're a monster.

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If I remember correctly, I believe Danté had some musings about what to do with those who have yet to reconcile, for example, their own ancestral origins upon their arrival on this continent and their subsequent successes and blessings, yet their refusal to extend that same Christian charity to those who would follow them. Is that not a type of betrayal, and perhaps, the highest form of betrayal, to which Danté would find the most … well, you know, God. ONLY the ancient ways will do here , I think. Chuckles and giggles 🤭. Musings about Hades. 🔥. AKA GODDESS MA’AH ♥️🥰💋

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JESUS... you said what we all feel. Thank you.

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They don't call themselves the Nat-Cs for nothing. It's because it's what they are Nazis.

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You cat's 🐱🐈🐈‍⬛.

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Hey Jesus, I’m sure you or your Big Daddy could find some cozy, little atoll way out in the Pacific Ocean to strand all those nut sacks on. Take your time and find a good one; far far away from the civilized among us. Be sure all the felons are stranded out there with them.

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We could reopen Alcatraz for shelter. No more touring there, just drop offs

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I vote for Sentinel Island! (Look it up if you're not familiar.)😉

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You're too kind. I nominate Snake island 🏝.

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The Bikini Atoll.

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That 🤯.

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Easter island is perfect.

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"Thou Shalt Not Commit Mass Deportations!"

... I shared this on facebook, and someone said,

"Thank you so much for this. The organization I run ... helps and protects asylum seekers ... We are scared, anxious, depressed, angry, sad, etc etc etc right now, and we really need this at the moment. I am going to share it with my team. Thanks!" :)

Yeah Jesus and God 👏👏👏👍

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Could you please explain to the Republicans what deporting all the hard working people they hate so much will do to the cost of, well, everything? They harvest our food, keep hotels and restaurants open, milk cows at 4am, mow lawns, shovel snow, work in hospitals and nursing homes, the list is long. If the government would just issue them green cards, they’ll be in the system. No longer illegal! Our best employee was made legal by Ronald Reagan, who recognized the value of immigrants.

You want to see spectacular inflation? Vote for these idiots and pay $5 for an orange, $10 for a gallon of milk.

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Another thing Trump supporters voted for, he wants to eliminate overtime pay for millions of hourly wage workers, because HE doesn’t like paying overtime! And their desire to stop helping Ukraine- all that money is spent in America buying American weapons made by Americans. His plan to close government agencies and fire thousands of civil servants will be a giant hit to unemployment and the economy, not to mention to public health and safety. He wants to eliminate the national agency that monitors weather, because if a hurricane is headed toward Mar A Lago, he wants it to be a surprise. And RFK Jr in charge of health? Bring back polio! Bring back small pox! The man is not a doctor and knows literally nothing about science. How so many people could vote to re-elect the man whose policies caused hundreds of thousands of senseless Covid deaths is beyond belief. There’s no shortage of Americans eager to vote against their own self interests. I hope our country comes to its senses and survives the next four years.

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Well, hopefully, all we need to survive is 'till 2026; if we get the House strongly, WE will control the government purse-strings. And we can stall bad bills and be all uppity, just like the Rethugs were (though they apparently thought all bills were "bad").

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As a lifelong Democrat (who prays her party won't be made illegal), I find myself constantly surprised by this thought: I miss Reagan. X-P

It'll be interesting to see how he's remembered (like Isaac Newton): as either the Last Good Republican or the First Bad One.

(Isaac Newton's reputation varied between being the First Modern Scientist or the Last Alchemist, depending...)

And, for the love of You, o God, WHY did Schwarzenegger have to be born in another country?? Granted, it gave him invaluable insight on what Nazism does to the soul of a country in the aftermath, but if we had to have a Republican president, he would've been SO. MUCH. BETTER than the current Mango Mussolini. X-P

Fun Fact: Hitler, Mussolini, and Franco (of Spain) were all APPOINTED, not voted in. Thanks to the Electoral College, I feel the same way about this dictator (yes, she also lost the popular vote, but I'm trying not to think about that right now. It would've been ironic had she won anyway via the EC...).

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He wasn't the First Bad One ;) and in order for there to be a Last Good Republican, there would have had to have been a First Good Republican

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Teddy Roosevelt was pretty cool too, though I was shocked to find out he was a Republican. The things he stood for and did sound very modern Democrat to me, and his famous cousin (FDR) was definitely a D. :)

Bad things happened on Eisenhower's watch, though he was pretty wise and surprisingly "liberal" himself.

Hell, even Barry Goldwater had a change of heart before his end... X-P

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Jesus, first I must say that I LOVE YOUR HEADBAND!! Matches your sash, accordingly! Second, again, you’ve addressed the Right’s bigotry with love and RAGE, and I must say I’m here for this! For you!!! WWJD??? The PROPER THING, this nation needs an enema!!! Start there!

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I'm thinking Mexico 🇲🇽 Let them try to cross the frigging southern border legally when we put out a deplorable ban ... Mexico would gladly pay us to take them back !! It's called Karma

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I have a ranch four miles north of I-10 at the border. I can see the Rio Grande from my front door.

I know you'll be disappointed to learn there is no migrant invasion. Anyone who thinks there is, is just gullible. Kind of stupid, too.

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Yep, just like the "Republican Convention" Episode of this bizarre 😳 🙄 😀 Unreal viral maga performative series they call a campaign. It's all smoke and mirrors, and reruns. Trump was afraid he'd be charged with murder for having the attendee killed, but the SCROTUM took care of that. It wasn't on 5th Avenue, but if he's ever charged, he can't be held accountable. His statement became action. We can whip up conspiracy theories with the best of those duckers.... cause we're creative ... ✨️ 😉 👌

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Speaking of stupid... Ranch reminds me of cowboys, horses, cattle and of course dressing. As for the dressing that's in my fridge, it's probably gone bad 👎.

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99% good shit, JC, but hold up - not every contributor to the US is/was an immigrant. There were Nations there before whitey; ask your Dad, he knows everything

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Even the First Nations came to the Americas from somewhere else, possibly when the lands of Beringia were being threatened by gradual sea-level rise from climate change (slow, natural, inter-glacial period climate change). Even before then, some curious, explorative souls may have wondered about the lands to the southeast and wandered down that way; there are traces humanity has been in the Americas for like 20,000+ years now. :)

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Can't we find them jobs so they can pay taxes? That should earn them a work visa, right?

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I heard that Putin is hiring. There's even a good shot for advancement.

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You must be forgetting that the folks they deport really have nowhere to go.

They'll come back.

And unless Your American children REALLY build a Maginot Line on the frontier...which we can't, and look what happened to the original, they'll be back.

No, eventually, a bunch of high-ranking Proud Boys and Roger Stones will meet in some Beltway Mansion with laptops and PowerPoint presentations to handle the "storage problem" and launch a "Final Solution" to the "illegal immigrant question" through "resettlement."

Sound familiar?

I forgot...the last time that happened, Your Father didn't do anything about that....

Why should You or Him start intervening now?

Wait...what about the Egyptians? Sodom and Gomorrah? Noah and his cruise liner? For the animals, that must have been the ultimate "Love Boat..."

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Did the rabbits 🐇 even notice anything 🤔.

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What I think everyone forgets for some odd reason are like two things:

1) According to the Bible, it was two of every kind of "unclean" animal and seven (pairs?) of every kind of "clean" (= kosher to eat) animal (including fish? whales? birds? flying insects? microbes? just how big WAS that boat?? And why pick on every other living thing on the planet just because humans were dicks? Animals, plants, fungi, etc. are innocent).

2) Unless direct divine intervention was involved, ain't no way in hell just 2 or 14 animals of each species (and only 8 humans: Noah and his wife, their three sons and their wives) are gonna re-populate a denuded Earth successfully. Silting up of the gene pool would've taken them all out within a few generations. X-P

Even humans, it's been recently determined, would've needed at least 10,000 people of "marriageable" (= breeding) age to make sure the genes would last indefinitely.

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Hey, who else remembers the time Jesus beat the money lenders out of the temple with a whip? That was a great time.

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Yeah, the only real time He lost his shit, at least temporarily. ;-)

You GO, Yeshua! :D

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