Dear God in Heaven: Didst though have to don sunglasses to shield thine eyes? Blessings be unto thee for braving the fire to save us lesser beings. Amen.
Honestly, if you set aside that it’s insulting to her, Melania is probably relieved. It seems pretty clear she wants little to do with him. At least this means he’ll leave her alone? 🤷🏻♀️ And, while we don’t have proof that they’re banging, it’s certainly inappropriate. But then, Loonie and Donold are both super gross, so that’s not surprising.
They’re too busy normalizing his insane behavior and examining Kamala’s every action on a microscopic level. Oh, You, I’m horrified to find myself echoing the craptastic masses, but their media coverage is utterly pathetic and unfair.
I know l was relieved when my Narsisist came down with Alzheimer’s so he couldn’t victimize me anymore. The punishment to him truly fit his criminal past. Whew what a relief.
Perhaps, like Monica Lewinsky, Loomer’ll save a memento … it would be sweet to see Melania use the item to rake him over the coals in a New York divorce court.
It looks like the internet just found out the same thing, the Hill is taking about it, Reuters, the New York Times. New York Times stated that people have noticed how close they are, and even said a democratic senator said Laura is the “perfect advisor” to him and “I hope he keeps her very close to him between now and the election” “They belong together”. Hahha love the sarcasm.
Trump hasn’t sprung a boner for a decade, probably longer. Titty-rubs might inspire fond memories but Melanie has no worries. She’s known forever, without chagrin, that he’s impotent, at home and away. Those extra-long neckties aren’t his only compensations. Matter of fact, his entire life is merely a sand castle of compensations.
Note that MTG and Lindsay Graham called out Laura Loomer for not being helpful to the campaign but not that she is a racist, homophobe, transphobe, antisemite, 9-11 denier nut bag.
She’s the typical MAGA mistress, just watch the GOP convention again. Lots of Silicone Sisters with their Manager Misters 😉 telling “You got what it takes…”
I doubt Melanie cares. She has a highly paid job as a trophy wife. Her qualifications for the job were being beautiful and being willing to sleep with a disgusting person at least once. This story won’t affect her ability to shop and spend a lot of time at salons and spas.
Loomer has been giving off strange “groupie” vibes for a while now, which seemed awfully suspicious. Will anyone in the media ask donald where Melania is, or is it just another “donald being donald” instance, like all the others?
just saying i’ve experienced the eager chest thrust before and nothing says i want to bang you right this instant more than that
Among all the physical things deteriorating is Trump's eyesight. His new woman has knobs and buttons where her face used to be.
That’s hilarious!
I wonder if he’s physically capable of doing it.
Republicons & the christ-natals right are advocates for ED Meds. So, I’m sure he’s flush with boner pills.
Boner pills! Hahaha! Sorry, but that’s mine now 😁
I’m, they don’t always work …
My guess is "no." However, money and power can be a great aphrodisiac.
And I’m sure she’s great at faking it.
Oh, let's not.
Oh pls don't make us think about that🤮
Dear God in Heaven: Didst though have to don sunglasses to shield thine eyes? Blessings be unto thee for braving the fire to save us lesser beings. Amen.
As a woman I concur. Biggest tell ever.
The mental image of the micro schroom with the massively injected lips upon it has me giggling. How would either of them know it was happening??
Sue... that Image has me gagging!
Don’t you mean nano shroom
Eww. Birds of a feather fuck together. Apologies flock. It just came out that way. LOL
well played
Laura must be able to suck a golf ball through a garden hose.
Even so, when did the Bloated Yam NOT cheat on Melania? Or Marla? Or Ivana?
Or as we say out west: suck the chrome off a trailer hitch.
Hat tip to Willie Nelson 😎
Electric Horseman!
You're both pigs.
We didn't introduce the conspiracy tramp to the orange fecal sample.
That’s a good one, too.
Bloated yam😆
My wife invented the term.
I refuse to use his name.
I call him Orange Caligula, aka God-Emperor Ladyfingers
That’s a good one, too.
Same. My solution is to refer to him only as The Convict.
Bloated Yam IS a good one.
My wife invented it.
Honestly, if you set aside that it’s insulting to her, Melania is probably relieved. It seems pretty clear she wants little to do with him. At least this means he’ll leave her alone? 🤷🏻♀️ And, while we don’t have proof that they’re banging, it’s certainly inappropriate. But then, Loonie and Donold are both super gross, so that’s not surprising.
Yes, but where is the breathless media coverage?
Sex scandals are only "disgusting" when Democrats get caught.
Meanwhile, at Mom's for Liberty headquarters...
That's Moms for Threesomes.
The Florida Moms for Liberty Zeigler and her husband … disgusting
They’re too busy normalizing his insane behavior and examining Kamala’s every action on a microscopic level. Oh, You, I’m horrified to find myself echoing the craptastic masses, but their media coverage is utterly pathetic and unfair.
I know l was relieved when my Narsisist came down with Alzheimer’s so he couldn’t victimize me anymore. The punishment to him truly fit his criminal past. Whew what a relief.
I’m so sorry you have/had a narcissist, even though they’re eating/ate their just desserts. ♥️
So sorry you had to go through that.
Perhaps, like Monica Lewinsky, Loomer’ll save a memento … it would be sweet to see Melania use the item to rake him over the coals in a New York divorce court.
I highly doubt she gives a shit.
Yes. I agree. I’m pretty certain by now she’s inured to his cheating, but …
I strongly doubt she feels the same way about passing on an opportunity for a potential financial windfall.
Except for prenup, that she has renegotiated three times that we know of.
It’s perfectly plausible that Melania is paying Loomer to be with him. That would be a win for all 3 of them.
It looks like the internet just found out the same thing, the Hill is taking about it, Reuters, the New York Times. New York Times stated that people have noticed how close they are, and even said a democratic senator said Laura is the “perfect advisor” to him and “I hope he keeps her very close to him between now and the election” “They belong together”. Hahha love the sarcasm.
I read that the senator who said that trump should keep her close was Claire McCaskill. 😁😅
She always knows who is doing the dirty, it is her superpower.
MTG is bummed that Donold isn’t into her bleached blonde bad butch body…big sad.
🤣🤣🤣First thing I thought of when she complained! Loomer out-slimed even her!
Are you quoting Rep. Crockett? Bravo.
MTG hasn't realized that he likes aftermarket strap-on renovations.
Trump hasn’t sprung a boner for a decade, probably longer. Titty-rubs might inspire fond memories but Melanie has no worries. She’s known forever, without chagrin, that he’s impotent, at home and away. Those extra-long neckties aren’t his only compensations. Matter of fact, his entire life is merely a sand castle of compensations.
My eyes! I think that image burned my retinas.
Note that MTG and Lindsay Graham called out Laura Loomer for not being helpful to the campaign but not that she is a racist, homophobe, transphobe, antisemite, 9-11 denier nut bag.
They do not necessarily regard those things as bugs, rather than features. Them folks just ain't right.
She’s the typical MAGA mistress, just watch the GOP convention again. Lots of Silicone Sisters with their Manager Misters 😉 telling “You got what it takes…”
Upfist for "Blinded by the light" reference.
Love him, and a hell of a song-writer, his album “Nebraska” speaks to me in poignant ways that I can’t even describe.
If not already familiar, see Warren Zevon for another great American songwriter ✊🏻
"Splendid Isolation" is my anthem!
That line reminds me of this one from Steely Dan:
"Bad sneakers and a pina colada my friend
Walking down the avenue by Radio City with a
Trans sister and a large sum of money to spend"
WOW, still getting hits on this one!
Must be lots of music and/or MAGA Mistress fans 🤣
I doubt Melanie cares. She has a highly paid job as a trophy wife. Her qualifications for the job were being beautiful and being willing to sleep with a disgusting person at least once. This story won’t affect her ability to shop and spend a lot of time at salons and spas.
Beautiful is a difficult concept to pin down
Especially when one is so brittle, and unpleasant, in attitude, it ruins any good looks.
I’m certain Melania is fully aware of what’s going on. If she feels anything at all, it’s probably relief.
And of course, this will help her during the divorce proceedings, even though Don-old will swear he does not even know who Loomer is.
Loomer has been giving off strange “groupie” vibes for a while now, which seemed awfully suspicious. Will anyone in the media ask donald where Melania is, or is it just another “donald being donald” instance, like all the others?
Moscow Marj is Greene with envy that Loomer is canoodling with the orange shroom guy. 🤣