I was so glad to hear Ms. Khelif is pursuing a legal case. Rowling, Musk and others like them need to learn there are consequences to their vile, hate-filled actions.
I don't understand Rowling's transphobia. I used to think she was liberal and tolerant, especially when the religious right attacked her Harry Potter universe as evil for its portrayal of magic. It would be nice if someone like her, with an obviously expansive imagination, could have more of an open mind toward the real world.
I know, right? I would get teary when defending her because of all she did for child literacy. I still love the books and movies, but what the heck happened to her?
thank you for this blessed distinction: "In response to the lawsuit, J.K. Rowling said she would 'happily' do prison time over her transgender views. Sounds good to me! Of course, her ‘views’ are not why she is being sued. Her ‘actions’ are!"
Absolutely - we are all free to think whatever we want in the privacy of our own heads. It’s when we come out and say it, post it, publish it, print it, act on it, etc that there are problems.
Folks really do need to remember to mind their own damn business!!
there are few things more misogynistic than allowing men to rob women of their safety and sports. theres nothing more homophobic than sterilizing gays to address normal issues most grow out of.
a mens rights group has spent 20 years promoting the idea that the mens hobby of wearing drag is the same as being black, gay or old. but partaking of a hobby is nothing like an involuntary characteristic. your being lied to
Nah, I think that she’s too much of a lady for that (and they are all rich cowards, hiding behind their money and screens). Khelif is doing the right thing - hit them where it hurts: in the wallet!
I dunno. Didn't Trump win that WWF match years ago? And didn't Musk once challenge Zuckerberg to a cage match? And also Elon, years ago challenged Putin to a match and said Putin could bring his bear!
The taste is so horrid, I nearly quit taking it and I swore I’d never take it again (and having an autoimmune illness, I’m at high-risk). But then I read a tip on someone’s blog that sucking on Red Hots was the only thing that got her through the course of that medication, so I had a case of Red Hots delivered and that kept me going. It still wasn’t pleasant, but wasn’t as bad as it had been. Now I would take Paxlovid again, if I needed to … it saved my life!
I did see the JK had ceased tweeting for a bit a couple of days ago and quietly started removing older posts, not sure if they still are as I don't have an account on that heck site. The Internet always has receipts Joanne.
rape and pillage dude. everything else is boring ryt? especially those square wumens who object. theyre the worst ryt? watch out ur knuckles dont bleed from scraping the floor as you scrape along.
Read the link in the comment. It links to several stories debunking this Russian lie. If you are making the accusation, show us the test that showed XY. No such test exists. The IBA organization was banned for such lies. It was a Russian official (read cheaters) who started the story with no proof two years ago to help Russian boxers win medals. Stop spreading Russian propaganda based on nothing. And try to read a source before you repeat lies that defame people. So far you are only ignorant, don't add lazy and stupid to the list. When done reading, please apologize to the people you have defamed.
the facts of the case arent in dispute. he took a test that found hes xy male. details of the test are private info. but its public info that he failed the test and he didnt appeal. the fact that he didnt appeal is further proof hes male. its public info that he never took any test that shows hes female. its public info that ioc rules allow any man into womens boxing. men only have to identify as women, not actually be women. men commonly ID as women one day and as men the next. but those are just thought in mens head, and have nothing to do with biological sex. of course gender activists are going to lie about this. they lie about everything.
every gender biz stat and claim is a lie. you cant name one thats not.
The IBA was banned for lying. This is another Russian lie. You can't state she tested male and then say the results are private after demanding to see "proof" in your first comment. You are arguing out of both sides of your mouth. Do you believe the Muslim country of Algeria would allow a trans male to fight as a woman? She dropped the appeal when the IBA was banned. Fake organization with fake results. There were no trans athletes in the Olympics.
they were banned for gambling or such, it had nothing to do with this . that doesnt change the fact that IOC rules specifically allow any man to complete in womens catagory. ioc used gender biz terminology that excludes biological women from womens catagory. if your new to this this is all typical gender biz misinformation.
"The IBA says blood testing on the two fighters was conducted in May 2022 and March 2023, and that the results “conclusively indicated" that the pair “didn't match the eligibility criteria for IBA women's events". Since then they have claimed that male XY chromosomes were found in both cases."
of course gender biz activists say theyre lying. but that doesnt mean anything.
"Banned for gambling". Ie lying and breaking the rules. They have not provided the test -- only a dubious statement about the results that helped Russian fighters in the next tournament. Before you defame someone, the burden of proof is on you. Citing a banned organization with an alternative motive and agenda is not proof. I agree with you that trans male to female should not compete in female sports. But the facts are definitely in dispute, and the IOC case is the strongest in this situation. Again you have to believe that Algeria would support a trans athlete and that a "man" would have a 36-9 record (before the Olympics). If you are losing 25 percent of your fights how big of a genetic advantage could you have? All of those facts put this bullshit "test" in dispute.
It really didn’t help that the only pictures being posted during the controversy were of her while boxing, the mouthguard changes the face shape so drastically it gives a very different impression.
Both of those hateful people deserve a lot of karma back. What better way than losing to Imane Khelif's lawsuit. " Under French law, the proven crimes can result in prison sentences ranging from two to five years, alongside fines from 30,000 to 45,000 euros."
I hope she owns all of them. Musk, Trump and others offer no surprise, but I've been gobsmacked for years that someone who wrote those brilliant Harry Potter books with all their wisdom has ass of clay.
May You continue to drink lemonade through this lemon of a disease, God. That's why You created lemons.
I was so glad to hear Ms. Khelif is pursuing a legal case. Rowling, Musk and others like them need to learn there are consequences to their vile, hate-filled actions.
I really hope she wins serious money!
And that they don’t get away with legal maneuvering to avoid every penny due her!!!
I don't understand Rowling's transphobia. I used to think she was liberal and tolerant, especially when the religious right attacked her Harry Potter universe as evil for its portrayal of magic. It would be nice if someone like her, with an obviously expansive imagination, could have more of an open mind toward the real world.
I know, right? I would get teary when defending her because of all she did for child literacy. I still love the books and movies, but what the heck happened to her?
Insanity apparently...
Imane Khelif is a legitimate Olympian and deserves all our respect!
And she acknowledged that Dumbledore was gay!
Damn skippy. Exactly how I feel and you, too, Janet Jones and Chris Berrie!
Have you read what she actually wrote, or just gone by what her opponents told you she wrote?
dear god,
thank you for this blessed distinction: "In response to the lawsuit, J.K. Rowling said she would 'happily' do prison time over her transgender views. Sounds good to me! Of course, her ‘views’ are not why she is being sued. Her ‘actions’ are!"
it art true!
thank thee for sharing, as always!
much love
Absolutely - we are all free to think whatever we want in the privacy of our own heads. It’s when we come out and say it, post it, publish it, print it, act on it, etc that there are problems.
Folks really do need to remember to mind their own damn business!!
there are few things more misogynistic than allowing men to rob women of their safety and sports. theres nothing more homophobic than sterilizing gays to address normal issues most grow out of.
a mens rights group has spent 20 years promoting the idea that the mens hobby of wearing drag is the same as being black, gay or old. but partaking of a hobby is nothing like an involuntary characteristic. your being lied to
Personally, I think the court should award Imane Khelif 5 minutes alone in a room with JK Rowling, Elon Musk, and Donald Trump.
Nah, I think that she’s too much of a lady for that (and they are all rich cowards, hiding behind their money and screens). Khelif is doing the right thing - hit them where it hurts: in the wallet!
I dunno. Didn't Trump win that WWF match years ago? And didn't Musk once challenge Zuckerberg to a cage match? And also Elon, years ago challenged Putin to a match and said Putin could bring his bear!
I’d say pummel them senseless, but obviously they already are.
Amen to that!
with a baseball bat to knock some sense into them and perhaps teach them something
The metallic taste from Paxlovid has one positive. If you can taste it, the virus hasn’t taken away your sense of taste!👅
The taste is so horrid, I nearly quit taking it and I swore I’d never take it again (and having an autoimmune illness, I’m at high-risk). But then I read a tip on someone’s blog that sucking on Red Hots was the only thing that got her through the course of that medication, so I had a case of Red Hots delivered and that kept me going. It still wasn’t pleasant, but wasn’t as bad as it had been. Now I would take Paxlovid again, if I needed to … it saved my life!
Oh the taste from paxlovid was awful!
Glad to see you back, God. 💙
I cheered when I read she's suing Muskrat and the hater that is Rowling. 🌊
Yeah, God; glad you’re doing okay. I was worried that Nietzsche was right.
Don’t call it cyberbullying, call it for what it is: defamation
I did see the JK had ceased tweeting for a bit a couple of days ago and quietly started removing older posts, not sure if they still are as I don't have an account on that heck site. The Internet always has receipts Joanne.
no she didnt. what a lie
Which part, deleting tweets? It'd be good if they didn't, saves having to dig them out the way back machine.
She not gonna dress up as Snape and touch your wand buddy.
rape and pillage dude. everything else is boring ryt? especially those square wumens who object. theyre the worst ryt? watch out ur knuckles dont bleed from scraping the floor as you scrape along.
We need to start holding everyone accountable for what they post. This false story all started with the Russians. People who post and repost these lies should pay for the damage they do. More details... https://kieranhumor.com/2024/08/13/ohh-no-the-russians-got-chris-evert-too/
he tested xy. hes a man. please show me any test he took showing anything different. stop lying
Read the link in the comment. It links to several stories debunking this Russian lie. If you are making the accusation, show us the test that showed XY. No such test exists. The IBA organization was banned for such lies. It was a Russian official (read cheaters) who started the story with no proof two years ago to help Russian boxers win medals. Stop spreading Russian propaganda based on nothing. And try to read a source before you repeat lies that defame people. So far you are only ignorant, don't add lazy and stupid to the list. When done reading, please apologize to the people you have defamed.
the facts of the case arent in dispute. he took a test that found hes xy male. details of the test are private info. but its public info that he failed the test and he didnt appeal. the fact that he didnt appeal is further proof hes male. its public info that he never took any test that shows hes female. its public info that ioc rules allow any man into womens boxing. men only have to identify as women, not actually be women. men commonly ID as women one day and as men the next. but those are just thought in mens head, and have nothing to do with biological sex. of course gender activists are going to lie about this. they lie about everything.
every gender biz stat and claim is a lie. you cant name one thats not.
The IBA was banned for lying. This is another Russian lie. You can't state she tested male and then say the results are private after demanding to see "proof" in your first comment. You are arguing out of both sides of your mouth. Do you believe the Muslim country of Algeria would allow a trans male to fight as a woman? She dropped the appeal when the IBA was banned. Fake organization with fake results. There were no trans athletes in the Olympics.
the iba wasnt banned for lying.
they were banned for gambling or such, it had nothing to do with this . that doesnt change the fact that IOC rules specifically allow any man to complete in womens catagory. ioc used gender biz terminology that excludes biological women from womens catagory. if your new to this this is all typical gender biz misinformation.
"The IBA says blood testing on the two fighters was conducted in May 2022 and March 2023, and that the results “conclusively indicated" that the pair “didn't match the eligibility criteria for IBA women's events". Since then they have claimed that male XY chromosomes were found in both cases."
of course gender biz activists say theyre lying. but that doesnt mean anything.
"Banned for gambling". Ie lying and breaking the rules. They have not provided the test -- only a dubious statement about the results that helped Russian fighters in the next tournament. Before you defame someone, the burden of proof is on you. Citing a banned organization with an alternative motive and agenda is not proof. I agree with you that trans male to female should not compete in female sports. But the facts are definitely in dispute, and the IOC case is the strongest in this situation. Again you have to believe that Algeria would support a trans athlete and that a "man" would have a 36-9 record (before the Olympics). If you are losing 25 percent of your fights how big of a genetic advantage could you have? All of those facts put this bullshit "test" in dispute.
Good for her! I hope she wins.
Is the picture on the left what she looks like when not boxing? She's beautiful. And obviously a female.
It really didn’t help that the only pictures being posted during the controversy were of her while boxing, the mouthguard changes the face shape so drastically it gives a very different impression.
I completely agree! Also, in this photo she reminds me
of Sandra Bullock. 😄
hes a guy and a cheater. and you support cheaters
I hope she wins big...those three could stand to be knocked down a peg or twenty...
Just out of curiosity, why do you let such vermin walk among us?
Both of those hateful people deserve a lot of karma back. What better way than losing to Imane Khelif's lawsuit. " Under French law, the proven crimes can result in prison sentences ranging from two to five years, alongside fines from 30,000 to 45,000 euros."
Glad you are feeling better and have the Rx. Give it time you will heal. Good news you have your sense of taste. 😋
Thank you for voicing your very correct views on your huge platform. I hope she is successful and the haters pay millions!!!
Haters gonna hate but haters gonna PAY UP! FAFO!
When people tell you who they are, believe them!
I hope she owns all of them. Musk, Trump and others offer no surprise, but I've been gobsmacked for years that someone who wrote those brilliant Harry Potter books with all their wisdom has ass of clay.
May You continue to drink lemonade through this lemon of a disease, God. That's why You created lemons.