I wish more people would talk about how Algerian laws make it IMPOSSIBLE for LGBTQ and trans people to exist. Those are RELIGIOUS laws. Versions of the SAME LAWS these assholes would use to make it impossible for trans people to exist in the US, let alone represent us at the Olympics.

This is so unfair to both of these athletes. One who bowed out on a quest to honor her deceased father and has to be grieving. The other who won her match and should be celebrating an Olympic advance. These people lack basic human empathy. They are vile.

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See my post from today; this has nothing to do with trans culture wars and everything to do with safety and integrity of women’s sports. The Algerian may not have known that she was genetically a he with a medical condition (likely genetic based disorder of sexual development), which has to have been a huge shock and she may well be in denial (in which case the IOC is doing him/her a great disservice, and the truth will confront ‘her’ when ‘she’ gets married and tries to have children & the work up shows that she is a he. It is a shame for the Algerian, but the IOC has failed the Algerian and Women competitors.

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Either that or you have no fucking idea.

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And I suppose that you do????

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Well you don’t.

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Sez who? On what basis?

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You have no fucking clue what you are talking about. Maga much?

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His page is full on MaGaT.

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What ever the hell that is. The facts are the facts and they are not what the IOC says nor what the press are asserting. Just like with the Plandemic, where it turned out that every single thing that the authorities said was wrong and/or a lie. You would think that people would wake up and realize that they are being lied to by the MSM.

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And you do? 🙄

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So you don't understand that XY women have given birth, and of course there are lots of ways to have children besides giving birth. And you're an MD. Not practicing I hope.

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I am quite sure that the workplaces that you design are totally toxic to normal XY men with normal male testosterone levels as well as to women appreciate normal assertive men in the workplace. But as I said, you do you, and let me do me.

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I am quite sure you're a rampant transphobe who is patently unqualified to treat DSD patients, who are made to feel like freaks for the bodies they have. And if a workplace that doesn't revolve around toxic people is repellent, and you think those with XY chromosomes all have "normal" testosterone levels, then I hope you're practicing remotely from a desert island, because your workplace would be as toxic as you are.

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Oh in common parlance most normal people understand the question, ‘do you have children?’ to mean, ‘have you conceived through the usual way, carried to viability, if not term and given birth to any living children? Without the need for the legalese clauses clarified and specified. Sheesh!🙄

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No, most normal people realize that fertility treatments don't mean that your children don't exist and that you haven't given birth. And news flash, adoption and surrogate births count too.

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Yes, and pigs can fly, but only in, under, or on an aircraft or balloon or glider.

There is no way an XY person get pregnant as a result of heterosexual sexual intercourse, gestate the pregnancy, and give birth by normal means.

There is a joke allegedly told by A. Lincoln to the effect: If you call a tail a leg, how many legs does a dog have? The correct answer of course is 4, because calling a tail a leg doesn’t make it a leg, though Democrats probably think so. They also think that same sex marriage is a real marriage, and Suzy can have 2 mommies and that is healthy. Of course all 3 of those things are wrong.

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Behold the flying pigs:



Not saying it's common, but as a medical professional, you should know that it has happened. You don't get to redefine "giving birth" as only under the conditions you suggest. Typical MAGAT trying to remove IVF from the acceptable list of pregnancy options.

Same sex marriage is a real marriage because the Supreme Court said so. See the Obergefell case. All "real" marriage is merely a legal relationship created by following steps proscribed by the state. Everything else attached to it, such as a religious significance or a romantic significance, is between the parties involved and does not impact its validity.

Suzy can have two mommies because that's reality: lesbian couples are raising children together as maternal parents. Whether it's "healthy" is at some level subjective, but to the extent there are objective indicia of mental and physical health, children with two mommies are in fact healthier than those with a mommy and a daddy: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9911955/

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Do you always diagnose with such little evidence?

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Not diagnosing, dearest, I am merely commenting. I have not met or examined nor conversed (since TPTB have deemed telemedicine a thing in service of the pandemic scam to impoverish ordinary people and enrich big Pharma, their stockholders and our overlords) with the gentleman (who didn’t even know he was a gentleman until the IBA informed him of the results of his chromosome test in 2023, poor guy—he will only learn the truth should he marry (a man and try and fail to have children). I can’t imagine the psychological trauma when he finally is able to wrap his head around the reality)(which they appropriately kept the details confidential since it was protected personal health information, but has since come out, but you all are ignoring that inconvenient fact. They had to say that he was not qualified (because he isn’t) to compete in women’s events. It is on him and his coaches and handlers and the lying exploiters in the MSM That this has come to be such a goat rodeo.

The IOC has used a lesser standard to allow him to compete against women to their shame, when they could have requested the results or repeated the test, but NOOO! The trans narrative had to be upheld, and to hell with women’s rights, safety and health!

Human biology has not suddenly changed. 10–15 years ago y’all would be all over the IOC for letting a physiologic man compete against a woman, and everyone from the 1980’s til the fall of the Soviet Union was up in arms about the state sponsored virilization of East German women athletes.

This is an upside down world.

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There is a huge distinction, whether you choose to recognize it or not, between those whose bodies naturally produce more testosterone and those who deliberately ingest it to gain a competitive advantage. Many if not most athletes who compete internationally at the highest level have some biological advantage that has made them well suited for the sport.

Michael Phelps' Marfan syndrome and how his body processes lactic acid are very well known and obviously made a contribution to him being the greatest Olympic athlete of all time. But he does not only have gold medals. It was possible to beat him, although not many did. Khelif has nine losses in her career, which is a primary indicator that she does not have a "disproportionate competitive advantage" (the IOC standard).

The IBA could have established a standard that *might* have banned Khelif, but they didn't have one going into 2023. They only established one after Khelif and Lin were tested *in the middle of competition* based on complaints by other competitors and only after Khelif had beaten a previously undefeated Russian boxer.

Create a standard and test everyone, or don't have a standard and test no one. You can't decide to test people in the middle of a competition based upon not liking how the competition is going to turn out. And you can't just create a policy on the fly, not distributed to the athletes in advance, and then get it ratified by the board after athletes have been DQed.

That's the corrupt way to do it, which is all the IBA knows. Which explains why they're permanently banned from the Olympics and why boxing will be eliminated as an Olympic sport in 2028 if the boxing world doesn't get its shit together and create another non-corrupt, non-Russian-controlled federation.

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You make an awful lot of assumptions about Khelif's psychology and base your comments on alleged results that were never released to the public by the Russian IBA.

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Correct but innocent until proven guilty. Show me the results that contradict my supposition& I will revise.

I am assuming that he is just being an athlete & presuming he is a girl, but probably wondering when he would get his(her) first period or maybe chalking it up to athletic amenorrhea. You know I have spent over 40 years taking care of people as patients and have heard them or their parents express their concerns and anxieties, so my comments don’t come out of nowhere vacuum.🙄

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I'm late to this article but, you're a vile dumb ass!!!

'MD' my ass.

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You were clearly either born yesterday or educated, rather indoctrinated yesterday and have no idea of how the world outside of indoctrinated academia and leftist propaganda functions, I.e. reality. All of the third world, and second world and most of this country recognize that gender dysphoria is a mental illness, a delusion on the order of thinking that one is a werewolf or a cat, and that the proper treatment and counseling involves gently and lovingly getting them to accept the reality of their biological sex. Anymore than it is a kindness to participate in a schizophrenic’s delusion that he or she is Napoleon Bonaparte or Jesus Christ.

I have had patients with gender dysphoria, an adult who came to me wanting cross sex hormones, which I declined to give him, and he stuck with me ; another 12 old boy who had been sucked into the delusion, and I told him and his mother that, based on statistics of the natural history of childhood/adolescent gender dysphoria that he would ~95% out grow it, and not to be sucked into the delusion no matter what the public school counselor was peddling. I saw him a couple years later for a preseason sports physical for football, so, obviously, he got over that ( normal male haircut and not dyed purple).

I had one young woman who thought that she should have been a man, who had grown up in a very dysfunctional family who chose to follow with another physician (no real discussion about her gender dysphoria in our last couple visits.

I am not afraid of people with gender dysphoria which you wrongly imply by using the standard weaponized term for those that don’t buy into leftist ideology and fantasies. What you don’t realize is how toxic you and your ilk are. I am sorry and I hope that you have an epiphany sooner rather than later.

Have a good day.

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Why is it that most of the people pushing the “Christian“ agenda don’t have the comprehensive reading skills to understand your words God?

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Why are you so hateful, and what do you think is the ‘Christian’ agenda?

My Christian agenda is to repent of my sins, be a more inviting ambassador for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by loving them where they are (but not necessarily leaving them there). What do you think my agenda is is & why should I believe you more than my heart or what I observe in my fellow believers?

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Oh look you blocked me from

Subscribing( not that I would) and yet here you are 😄🤭

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Sigh. You are so hateful.

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What are you talking about? See my posts

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As a trans woman I can tell you the last time I had my hormones checked my T level was below that of the average cis woman. I would be willing to bet MTG has higher T levels than average.

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She had to get that "butch built body' somewhere.

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Bad built butch body.

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Bleached blonde, bad built, butch body! There. I fixed it!😂

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Yes you did and I thank you 😁. Large Marge has a long way to go. I just wish her district wasn’t so redneck-y.

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Aug 3
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I’m well aware. I’m from NC and still remember hearing about and reading about burning crosses in peoples yards and mysterious disappearances in my mountains. There were three lynchings in my county years ago. That kind of shit happened all over the country; in OK, FL, NC where entire communities were burned out and eradicated.

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Don’t forget bad bleached blonde

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In the gym, working out? Unlike you, Couch Muffin.

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Well Marjorie likes to lift weights, so she doesn’t want to be fat like most Americans.

And if you think joining some fucked up man who crossdresses due to his misogyny and autogynephilia, and you think that gives you moral high ground, you’re actually even stupider than trannies.

Shut up.

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you are a liar. That people believe you shows how little they know about biology.

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OMG!! "but she has high testosterone"! Derpppp Yeah & so do I. I have a more muscled body than most women. WTF? I like how they invent a narrative, then when it turns out they're wrong they make a namby pamby excuse instead of owning up to it, admitting it, apologizing or at LEAST telling their lemmings it isn't true. This is why people like this get sued. Look at Alex Jones & learn people....

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I don’t think we know what is real in this situation. I am pretty sure that the IOC pronouncements are about as reliable as the FBI investigation of the Trump attempted assassination (or the JFK or RFK Sr assassinations).

All we can be pretty sure of is that the official narrative is incomplete at best.

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All you have to do is use common sense. The people saying this are right wing liars. They are not reliable. It isn't that hard...


"Donald Trump, J.D. Vance, J.K. Rowling, rightwing Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, and YouTube star Logan Paul, among others, have viciously spread vile propaganda that Ms. Khelif is actually a man, not only smearing her reputation with transphobic and misogynistic nonsense but also likely putting her in danger.

To be clear, there are three trans athletes in the Paris Olympics, none of whom are trans women.

It is illegal to be transgender in Algeria.

It is impossible for a trans woman to obtain an Algerian passport indicating her as female. Ms. Khelif would literally not be able to leave the country with a female passport if she were transgender, which she is not.

Male athletes don't deal with this nonsense.

When a man is stronger and faster, preternaturally gifted, has extraordinary biological deviations from the norm, he is celebrated and mythologized.

When a male boxer KOs their opponent in the first ten seconds of a bout, it is cause for adulation. When a woman does it, she is suspect.

Sounds a lot like misogyny to me.

Angela Carini, the Italian boxer whom Ms. Khelif defeated in that bout that launched this whole controversy, recognized this within a day of the match.

She hasn’t been the only one to back off. The Boston Globe released a rare statement apologizing for their sloppy reporting on the story, and Logan Paul released a statement backpedaling on his claims

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As opposed to left wing liars, got it.

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There are left wing liars too. I don't know that many off of the top of my head, but if they've been caught in lies then they aren't reliable either. The ones going on the attack tend to be right wingers, though.

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So now 2 ? Women are fighting for the women’s Gold?? Did I catch that correctly?

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Aug 4
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Do you get your "news" from right wing sources? If so ...put a sock in it, already. I have the higher ground of all the liars in the GOP & Alex Jones who LIED about a school shooting & claimed the kids weren't "real", but actors & then got his ass sued. I'm sure "geniuses" like you believed his lies, like a lemming. Lawsuits aren't a threat except to liars, criminals, frauds, & assorted crooks....so don't you presume to tell me anything about the lying bunch of psychos!

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Vance condemned a “man” beating up a woman? Didn’t he say women should stay in abusive marriages for the sake of the children?

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That’s different apparently. A wife doesn’t have any boxing gloves with which to fight back and may be in a different weight category to her abusive husband but she is signed up for life, not eight minutes.

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So STF up & vote for the prostitute for POTUS, but don’t pollute this string.

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Trump is a prostitute as well as an adulterer, sex assaulter, racist, fraudster and criminal? Thanks for the info.

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No, Kamala

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I'm assuming the MD after your name stands for Morally Destitute

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Receipts, please.

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Why don’t you tell us that you are voting for the unqualified DEI candidate for POTUS so we can have an illegitimate 4th Obama term rather beating around the bush.

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Receipts please, and read my posts from today before you embarrass yourself further.

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Where's your "receipts"? None of these right wing nut jobs have shown any proof of their accusations, as usual.

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Your definition of right wing is anyone to the right of AOC, got it.

And your definition of nut job is all those people who didn’t buy into the government lies about COVID.

Got it.

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Genetics is weird to start with. Some women have higher testosterone levels than average and yet are still biologically women. Some men have low testosterone levels and are still men. And sometimes people with XY chromosomes are born female because their bodies don’t respond to their own testosterone, not to mention the XXY and XYY carrying humans. If anything what I see in the Olympics is people with weird genetics in full display. Michael Phelps is built weird: overly long arms and a long torso. Katie Ledecky is super tall. These are traits which translate into higher “hull speed” in the water. Simone Biles is super tiny. You don’t see many short swimmers or tall gymnasts at the top of their sports.

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Aug 4
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You are really triggered aren’t you? Calm down.

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Except no, she isn’t. There, fixed it for you.

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What upsets me the most is my daughter grew up reading every book and watching all the movies(and I as well!) How she could write those amazing books about accepting others and diversity and then be such a fricking hypocrite

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Because fiction. Bigots pretend to be human when they write their own stories.

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My kids loved Harry Potter, as well. It was the theme of my granddaughter’s bedroom for several years after she was born. They’ve walked away from it all since Rowling revealed herself to be such a bigot.

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My daughter as well. Now, her partner is trans and they both have left Potter behind. It’s sad.

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So sad isn't it. I haven't mentioned anything to her because she has become more politically divergent and religious from me over the last few years and I avoid any discussions that might get her arguing with me.

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Trans is mental illness; there are men & women, some like to cross dress, and some are seriously mentally ill, and some pretend so that they can get in real women’s pants ,I.e. rape them.

It is not a kindness to them to play along with their delusion, anymore than it would be to play along with a schizophrenic!s delusion that age is Napoleon or Jesus.

My profession has gone around the bend largely for financial reasons.

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You know I have a medical “term” I use these days about intersex people. They are God’s trans. God made them that way, perfect and whole. No bad gynecologist trans’d them. They didn’t choose it themselves. God made them intersex, and there are many unique variations.

It’s useful to blame God for lots of things in medicine in Texas today.

I have another quip I use as an OBGyn to explain why abortion care is just a part of health care: miscarriages are God’s abortions. Spontaneous, incomplete, inevitable, missed and septic, they are God’s doing. Wretched hard as it is for the ignoranti to understand, God does abortions every day, 1 in 4 pregnancies. So oftentimes my job is just finishing God’s work. I have to complete the process before hemorrhage or sepsis does.

Thank you God for giving us the tools and skills to complete all your abortions♥️

And please- all y’all pray for women and their OBGyns in Texas.

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And in America as a whole. We’re being moved towards Texas’ school of thought, unfortunately.

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Mediocre White Men, such as myself, should not get to decide if someone is a man or a woman, or their racial identity.

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So exhausting reading the comments from dunderheads. Swyer syndrome has been recognized for years and results in a female body even though the chromosomal makeup is 46,XY. A simple explanation is that the SRY gene on the Y chromosome is inactive and cannot kickstart development of the testes and further production of testosterone. So the developing fetus defaults to the female genitalia. And that’s a very simplified explanation because there is a spectrum of this XY gonadal dysgenesis depending on the exact chromosomal change.

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Dear God — please smite those butt heads who will not shut up about the boxing match. I weary of all the hateful comments about the woman who won.

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Catch Rowling’s grammatical error? “who’s knows”, as wrong as her opinion

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Rowling is making an ass out of herself. I wonder if that is affecting her bottom line at all? She has serious issues.

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I sure hope so. Warner Brothers/HBO/Max has poured a ton of money into a new Harry Potter reboot series, but I have heard ZERO buzz about it.

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There’s no buzz to hear…how many times can she work the Harry Potter gig? She’s like Laura Ingalls Wilder now, a relic of things past.

No disrespect….i love me some Little House and some Hogwarts. Just sayin: they’re some old right wing nut job authors who wrote some good books, about magical worlds once upon a time, and then stopped growing as writers and became old cranks.

Love the books though. Magical realms and all.

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I thought it was L.I.W.'s daughter Rose who was the crank. But yeah.

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Yes, Laura Ingalls Wilder was nothing like the lovely Michael Landon series portrayed her in real life (when she grew up). But you can only hide secrets for so long...she never wrote any of those books, it was her daughter Rose who did the writing & allowed her to take credit. Rose was also gay, I believe.

I quite agree with you. They are good books & nothing will ever top Landon's Little House for that series. Hogwarts is perfect where it is & should be left alone. Do you think she's trying to "reboot" it because the cast supports LGBTQ+? It is bound to fail with that reasoning. She probably only wants those that believe as she does for the parts in the movies. Hollywood should walk away & do it fast.

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Oops, hit enter too soon. I meant to add, the "Fantastic Beasts" franchise was already cut short because of the lackluster audience response.

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She's been a very vocal anti transgender speaker for years. She's highly upset with Daniel Radcliffe and the rest of the cast of the movies for supporting the LGBTQ community.

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No, she didn’t make an ass out of herself, she IS an ass and simply further exposed herself.

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What is that knocking I hear....?? It's Karma knocking on her door. Also...isn't it too soon for a reboot? I think we all know how the reboot business has gone for the most part.

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Aug 4
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Oh sure...it's always everyone else. Do you know who's going to be known as the biggest a$$holes of ALL time? It's going to be the enablers of Trump & MAGA fascists. One day...in the not so distant future, history will teach, report, & study how the U.S. ALMOST lost it's democracy to become another failed, theocratic, fascist state left in ruins....but lo, it was averted by those amongst us who would stand up to idiocy, lies, pathetic, scared, beta, white, male, privilege & weakness. To be THIS deluded & think God/Jesus/Anything is on your side as you malign others for their differences, silence those that contradict your lies, & attempt to RULE over your betters, honestly...you need your head examined. Your lot are not the victims... they're the problem. You have no right to insist to anyone that your religion, your hate, & your ignorance be forced upon the masses. You & your party are still the minority. Your mob-rule mentality will not win & history will record your wrongness for all time.

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Pure projection, who has locked up people with out trial, arrested nonviolent fathers using SWAT teams, attempted to criminalize their opponents and raided the ex-president, it is you totalitarians (fascists, communists ).

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WTF are you talking about now? The only ones projecting their fascism on everyone else is MAGA Trump morons. What nonviolent fathers are you talking about, clown? Do you know what fascism is? It's when you try to force your authoritarian rule down other peoples' throats, like Trump. In a democracy, the majority rules & MAGA is not the majority, nor are Christian fundamentalists, but even if they were, they still couldn't force their agenda down other peoples' throats because of the Constitution & the Bill of Rights. Anybody suggesting they will get rid of the Constitution has no business running in any election in this country...got me?

The POS ex-Resident was not raided, the FBI informed him they were there to look for the **STOLEN CLASSIFIED DOCS** he walked out of the WH with illegally.

The DOJ has gone after him for the multiple crimes he's committed which include but are not limited to:


Election Interference

Conspiracy to steal an election


Trying to sell access to the WH

Fraud NYC

Attempted murder via Covid (NY, CA)

Threatening a sitting President

STEALING classified documents

Selling classified documents

Interfering in foreign operations

Blackmailing a Foreign Government

Lying & putting the country's health at risk

Conspiring w/media to interfere in an election

Interfering in the election of a sovereign state

Tampering with election results

Attempted coup plotting & conspiracy

Hanging out w/criminals after being convicted of a felony

Fomenting violence on a national scale

Trump/Maga are the far-right fascist movement. Totalitarianism describes him as well. Trump wants to be King & you dupes will follow along like the idiots that you are & destroy one of the greatest nations in history. Not on my watch. Read it & weep. Read 2025. The first thing it does is take all freedoms away.

Totalitarianism is a form of government that attempts to assert total control over the lives of its citizens. It is characterized by strong central rule that attempts to control and direct all aspects of individual life through coercion and repression. It does not permit individual freedom. Traditional social institutions and organizations are discouraged and suppressed, making people more willing to be merged into a single unified movement. Totalitarian states typically pursue a special goal to the exclusion of all others, with all resources directed toward its attainment, regardless of the cost.

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/ FASH-iz-əm) is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement,[1][2][3] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.[2][3] Opposed to anarchism, democracy, pluralism, egalitarianism, liberalism, socialism, and Marxism,[4][5] fascism is placed on the far-right wing within the traditional left–right spectrum

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I saw that and was wondering whether that site is bogus. I know she’s said some stuff before about the subject but surely she’d have had a better editor.

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It would appear that when one is arrogant & self-righteous, one doesn't necessarily think, nor seek out, an editor to edit one's true thoughts/beliefs. It's not wise if you are someone in the movie/book business, though. Then again, once they become multi Millionaires they don't seem to care. She should stick to fantasies...

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Likely just a typo

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God, this is tiresome. Imene Khelif is talented and disciplined. She may have physical attributes that render her the better fighter of the two women, but that is not in and of itself a disqualification. She was qualified for participation in the event under IOC guidelines and so was qualified to compete against her competitor.

Why must women's achievements always be diminished by people wishing to attribute their achievements to unfair advantage?

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Read my long posts today, the IOC criteria are inferior to the boxing Association’s criteria for protecting the integrity of the sport and the safety of the other competitors.

You lefties don’t care about collateral damage, as they say, you just have to break some eggs to make the omelette of leftist utopia (that is really hell on earth).

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How about, no. You address how my comment is wrong or misleading or otherwise injurious to, as you put it, those affected by “collateral damage” or “omelettes”?

By the way, are you perchance the GP practicing in Pennsylvania? How is your in-depth knowledge of sports physiology informed by your training as a general practitioner, Dr. Kimber?

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Oh, and, no, unless you’re willing to pay for my time to repeat it. You look up and read what I wrote and I will answer any questions that you have for free.

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Yes I am from Pennsylvania, recently retired after 45 years of family medicine including regular CME in excess of minimum requirements that included sports medicine and doing regular pre participation sports physicals at high school level and 3 season sports participation through college & high school & soccer and distance running as adult including now.

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Dear God,

I don't ask a lot of you, but could you smite Trump while Vance is forced to watch? Then smite him again? Then turn to Vance and let him know it's his turn? I just want to see ol' Senor Eyeliner poop his pants just one time...

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Violent leftists on this thread; y’all were probably cheering when Trump went down and then crying when he got up and you realized that the deep state assassin missed.

Y’all are a clear and present danger to our country.

I can’t wait to hear your screams on election night!

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Um, 1/6 was the Trump cult, FYI.

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Here’s the most important point about how repulsive JK is, and why any reasonable MFer should know that JK is a lying bag of shite.

Imane Khelif is from Algeria. She has an Algerian Passport….

There is no possibility, at All, that she would be given an Algerian Passport, if she was trans.

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It is NOT about trans; it is about a medical condition that the IWBA rightly disqualified her/him for. It is unfortunate that the Woke disgusting opening ceremonies made this Olympics a culture war battleground. See my other posts, the IOCs degraded standards allowed a previously disqualified by the IWBA box against women to the potential permanent damage or death of other women competitors. But you feminazis don’t really care about individual women, they are just a necessary casualty of the current war.

Calm down.

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I'm perfectly calm. Calmer than you.

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Doesn’t seem like it from your post.

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Whatever, you fascist weirdo

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Didn’t know you were on Substack. I subscribed because you revealed transphobes for what they are. Yay G-d!!!❤️

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