Someone needs to tell that person who claimed tariffs won't impact the price of food. That may be somewhat true. However - when the Orange Cult Leader deports all the folks who work picking crops or working in meat/dairy factories expect the price of food to skyrocket. LOL- "I voted for Trump because the price of eggs was high"

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And what about the imported produce, canned goods, coffee, seafood? It will take a significant lowering of egg prices to make up for those tariffs. Sheesh...

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Actually the price of eggs that went up was because of "bird flu" NOT Tariffs!

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I've been saying for a while they are going to get a very RUDE awakening!

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Since it's gonna suck for all of us, I'm stocking up on (domestic) popcorn to watch the wailing and gnashing of teeth when eggs WOULD be cheaper, but there are no people to work the poultry farms.

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DAMn skippy.

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All because of the price of eggs seems like a bit of a shallow excuse to vote for anyone!

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You just cannot fix stupid! An educator for 44 years and you can see the stupidity in the eyes!!!

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I can still remember (with a shudder) people in our junior high and high school classes (it was a tiny school district) who, when asked what they wanted to do for a living, would spout out with: "I wanna be a doctor!! :D" or "I wanna be a teacher!! :D" or "I wanna be a ___________!! :D" that was some sort of important thing for the future that they were in no way, shape, or form qualified for. X-P

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You have to remember the first commandment for members of the MAGAt cult: Thou shalt not blame Trump for the consequences of his policies.

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Yes, that's the thing. The prices go up because of the Yam's tariffs and you know they'll blame Bidenomics. Or even Harris, who made no policies. That's because delusional + dumb = really dumb.

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Do not have any sympathy for these folks at all, and I'm normally a very compassionate person, but now I'm the one who is angry. Not just at the morons who voted for the felon, but for the 1/3 of eligible voters who chose not to vote. Grrrr! So disappointed. Granted voting is not as easy in the rest of the country as it is in CA - we need to fix this.

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YES. Those non-voters and the ones that voted for Trump because they don't like Biden's policies--especially regarding Israel and Ukraine. I don't understand the thinking behind those choices. They punished the entire country because they didn't think of the big picture.

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They don’t think.

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I love the guy who thinks that our food is all grown in America. Where does he think COFFEE comes from? Or Strawberries in winter?

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94% of our seafood is imported; sweeteners, nuts, cheese, olive oil, cacao for chocolate, many fruits and vegetables, and rice are also some examples.

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Some coffee and even chocolate can be grown in the U.S. (only in Hawaii, mind; hopefully not all on Maui... X-P), but boy howdy, is it massively expensive! X-P

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“Stupid is as stupid does” said Forest Gump.

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The fact that some people believe our food is only sourced from the USA reveals a ton of information about them. (Let alone how tariffs work.) Our produce in the winter comes from countries in the southern hemisphere. Lamb usually comes from New Zealand since there aren't many sheep farms in the US. GOOD cheese comes from France, Italy and the UK (Stilton is the best blue cheese). Most of the goods manufactured in the USA use parts sourced from China and other countries. Unless the label says "made in the USA with USA parts" it's gonna be tariffed and go up in price. For people barely scraping by now, it is gonna hurt. For people that have discretionary money, it's gonna be annoying. I'm not going to change my spending habits, but I'm gonna say "fucking stupid Trumpsters" at every cash register. Why do people think the president of the USA has any say in the price of goods and gas?

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The irony is he didn't. They believed he did. And in the name of "freedom" they elected someone else whose policies WILL affect prices in the most mindbogglingly effed up way possible.

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All you have to do is look at a bag of fruit like plums or grapes and it will say what country they came from. I have bought fruit from places like Chili and the tomatoes in my fridge right now say "product of Mexico". Unless you pay through the nose, you will be buying these foreign grown products. I guess with tariffs you will be paying through the nose anyway!!

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And you're absolutely right; a buddy of mine who tends to keep an ear to the ground re: things going on in other countries had started going not so much to the Farmer's Markets here ('cause more than a few of the folks there cheat and just buy their stuff from the supermarkets and take off the labels; you really have to know your origins for such things), but to the local U-Pick Farms, no matter how far out from the city she had to go. She'd get like bushels of produce that were truly, beautifully ripe, and CAN a helluva lot of things. ;)

She now has "fresh" produce in the middle of winter, because she has sufficient storage space in her pantry (wish we did...). ;)

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Sigh....Wish I had that space, too. 😕

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It will most likely be Elon making those decisions on the Tariff thing he's such a whiz at math!

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I've already made a list of things we use regularly that I plan to stock up on. We are retired, and not huge spenders, but when you look at packaging, it's stunning how much of your Stuff comes from other countries, especially China. I can only wear Keen sandals (my feet are a trainwreck) and they come from China. My Gerber pocket knives - China. The bamboo tp that I splurge on because it's not old growth trees - China.

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It's funny but it also sucks. I don't shop at Walmart for obvious reasons, but I'm pretty sure they carry more domestically-produced food items than the stores I do shop at. I mostly buy groceries at Aldi and Trader Joe's, and mostly imported stuff because it's better quality. It's not loaded with GMO ingredients and had the shit processed out of it. I expect lots of those prices to double, which will drastically affect my budget. I guess this will force me into the intermittent fasting I've been avoiding.

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Yes it really does suck. To be honest, I doubt he gets tariffs passed through Congress.

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I keep forgetting about some of those "better angels" in Congress, let's hope they save us from a fate worse than death.

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I hope you're right. If not there's also the dented can store.

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Yeah, worrying about tariffs would imply The Trumpster could actually do something correctly (procedurally) other than just lower taxes on the rich.

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yes, but the extreme pleasure I will get from watching/listening to the magat morons crying about the price of food is worth my decreased food intake. I am interested to see who they are going to blame

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...and the dumbing down of America continues...

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Would have been nice for the Walmart CEO to explain the tariff effect BEFORE the election

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Maybe he didn't think Trump would win, either... :-/

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📯 The Day of Judgement Hath Arrived! 📯

As well as the Day of Lack of Judgement 🤡

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Karma bites them in the a$$! Their response? "Must be Bidenomics."

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Unfortunately we have to live with the consequences of their actions, too.

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(Pounding face into keyboard) Obviously, these are people who are, in many ways, incapable of conscious critical thought. Do they REALLY believe that all good things, as well as all goods, are grown, produced or manufactured right here? And they call the economic nightmares of their Orange Substitute Messiah Bidenomics. Well, I, for one, am looking forward to the economic plans of their "genius" costing them the farm, as it were. I know that that is not kind, but I will get a deep sense of a satisfied 'gotcha' when I see a dim understanding come into their eyes as they have to face the full horror of what they have done to all of life on this planet. I don't think, though, that that will happen until the women they 'love' begin dying in Droves, they can't buy enough food, they lose their homes because of high inflation and medical care - once Medicare and medicaid are gone and insurance companies can gouge them and then deny them coverage - and their children are taught to inform on them for every instance of wrong-think. The saddest part of this is that those of us who cherish our freedom, our autonomy, our democracy and our children's future will also suffer for their sins. Sigh. Dear God, got any words of advice and comfort? I think that I want to go live in a country of women. Granted, there will always be the occasional MTG, but there are nowhere near as many Trump-like women as men.

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I remember life during the Great Recession. It sucked. Pretty soon they'll understand why we elected Bill Clinton. The price of a dozen eggs will be the least of their troubles. It's the economy, stupid.

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Which Great Recession? The most recent one got ended by us voting for Obama. :-/

I'm sure there was another one that was ended by electing Clinton...why is it that we Democrats have to bail out everyone again and again? X-P

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I read somewhere that vasectomies have surged since the election. I have two thoughts about that.

1. Way to take responsibility, men! Bravo!

2. I hope they're all Trump voters!

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Glad I never learned to like coffee. But the chocolate!!😱😱😱

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That's gonna hurt!

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Hey, I'm more of a FRUIT than a chocolate person, and most of ours comes from other countries... X-P

Hell, I'm a native of California, busted my hump "protecting California's agriculture! :D" at one point, and when I'd go to the supermarket, I wouldn't find ONE DAMN THING there on the shelves grown in our state. EVERYTHING was from a different country. The only thing I was "protecting" was the billionaire agribusiness companies. X-P

Who'll be the first ones to crank up prices on everything, should the idiot tariffs go through. X-P

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