I am an atheist whose views were crystalized many years ago when I became the victim of Christian hate. I wish you were real, God., even though I don't believe in the existence of a "higher being.' With three exceptions, most Christians I have know were back-stabbers, cruel, and full of hate for anyone not like them. One of my friends died last year of cancer. Brenda was a true Christians; she had a loving and open heart, cared deeply for others, and was loved by everyone who knew her. She was the polar opposite of those who claim to be "Christians" these days. My late and unlamented father, a rethug, once accused me of trying to "infect" people with my liberal views. Of course, he was an important person in his church, went to church every Sunday, etc.

I teach college students whose reading comphrehension level is around the third-grade level. Much of this can be blamed on policies set by non-educators who thought they knew how to educate kids. Seriously, they're 18 , 19, 20 and are functionally illiterate. They get passed through school so that the schools don't lose funding. Teachers aren't allowed to fail them.

Sorry this is so long. I don't have many people in my life that I feel I can turn to at present. I had to end a friendship a week ago because of everything that happened, and that was one of the hardest things I've ever had to.

Congrats on six months, by the way.

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I really liked your post. I am an ex-Mormon and know how it feels to be tossed out of the flock to wander in the wilderness. But - good news -wilderness is better than Mormonism. Except that you lose lots of family members and old friends. With social media getting so prevalent, I must say that I do get an occasional "Hi there" from family and friends in Mormon-land. Anyway, finding like minded people online (and in my friend-set in actual reality) is a real blessing from "God" or whatever cranks the Universe.

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I had a Mormon college friend who wasn't permitted to attend her sister's wedding at the tabernacle for some minor offense. It may have been because my friend was married in a civil ceremony, but I could be mistaken. I agree--it's great to find like-minded people either online or in real life. God does a great job.

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Hi Susan, your college friend was more likely barred from the Temple - not the tabernacle. Tabernacle can allow all people (even folks who are just "looking at becoming a Mormon." But - the Temple cannot be accessed in full without "credentials of holiness" to get there. Parts of the Temple are open to all Mormons with proper permissions, but other parts can only.be accessed by earning a loftier status.

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Susan, you infected me. 😁. I once helped grade the final exams for graduating teachers. I was giving them all D's and F's because they were so bad. I was told that you can't do that. Seriously.

I have been to the judgey kind of church. Been to the right kind of church. Now I have no church at all.

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Oh, dear! I apologize for the infection I spread! There are schools where teachers can't fail students. I fail many of them because the work (if they deign to do it) is awful. You could conssider this a form of church I suppose. I don't remember the last time I set foot in a church, other than as a tourist (Quito, Ecuador).

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I am hopeful you'll find more people like Brenda to let you be you.

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If they do wind up dumping the Department of Education in the flaming dumpster, what then? :-/

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I've been telling people all along be careful what you allow into your brain. Nowadays we're all products of our feeds. I don't know that there is a way to turn back the clock on some of these brains which have been led into submission. Of course Donald wants to eliminate the Department of Education. Ignorance may be his only friend.

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Back when the internet was Delphi Oracle, I said to my husband, "The great thing about the internet is that everyone can express their views. The bad thing is, they do." Haven't changed my mind. Curate your content. Selectively support.

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I plan on sticking with you and supporting your Substack. We need the communities we've put together to STAY together! Because, as Abraham Lincoln said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand."

I have been going out there and becoming a paid subscriber on many of my Substacks, and will continue to do so for as long as I can. If we stay together, we will be able to weather the storm that's coming. And these connections will help us to keep lines of communication open so we can coordinate.

So, check out the Substacks of the people/journalists you follow on Substack and find like minded people to follow. And if you have any that you DO follow, restack their posts and Notes, and share with your friends both on Substack and IRL. And I'll see you in the resistance!

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I follow Dan Rather's Substack. He's an island of sanity in this terrible mess.

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I do, too.

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So do I, now! :) Also just ordered his book, /What Unites Us/, in the graphic novel (illustrated) version.

"Graphic novel" is to "collected comics" what "action figure" is to "doll"... ;-)

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AMEN, Beloved. His time as 47 willpass. No, he will NOT become a dicktator. Try as they might the right is doomed for failure: they stand for nothing but a piece of cloth, their policies are those of EXCLUSION not inclusion, as shallow as old Hal was, he could not and will not beat the right for their epidermis depth. At 75, I have all the confidence in the COnstitution and the actual Republicans still alive in the party..Im talking to you, DICK CHENEY!

Be kind til this circus is unwound...should not talk long. 47 is on his last leg and vance will be indicted.

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Your lips to God’s ear. (You heard that, right God?)

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I hope you are right. I am sick with worry.

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I so appreciate your work. I am thinking of volunteering for a literacy project, as losing the Dept. of Education is only going to make America dumber. We have to fight for a better-informed populace. Thank you for doing your part. ❤️

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I have worked as a literacy volunteer for older adults. It's very rewarding.

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There is no shared meaning anymore due to the change in how people consume media. Everyone is stuck in echo chambers and too stressed out to care about anything that doesn't directly impact them. Half of Americans can't read above an 8th grade level and have no idea what is true or false anymore. This was done on purpose with malicious social media algorithms and international interference. Trump won because the rich wanted him to so they can get richer and ignorant selfish men and their traumatized wives and adult children fell for it thinking they will be able to access power because they think Trump is a prophet. Go home America, you're drunk! Thanks ever so much for making it the worlds problem, as if we didn't already have enough problems!

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Fifty-four percent of American adults have a reading level below 6th grade. It's going to get worse. The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times written at an 11th grade reading level. The average for other newspapers is 8th grade. I think our local paper is close to 5th grade level.

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Your content is one of few sparks left in my life that makes me think things will one day get better. I know we all need communities like this, I'm still very sad right now, I'm having a really tough time. The shock is wearing off and the fear and dread is creeping in. So many people are cheering but few if any have a clue what he and his born again Nazis are preparing to do.

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God- I agree totally with all 6 of your points and I am one of the oldsters. I WILL NOT be watching any media in the foreseeable future. I HATE the Monday morning QB going on. IT IS OVER. We don't need your useless comments now. I did not tell you congratulations yesterday - sorry. I haven't given up on you - just spent the morning talking a friend into still hanging in there to search for a community of like minded faith seekers because we need her. Putting my head down, rolling up my sleeves and getting back to the work of making this world a better place.

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Dear God, this diary shows me that you truly see from an exalted sphere. I saw very little of this from my cocoon. But your ending I do know from history of the American revolution and my favorite book, the Book of Mormon. It is worth repeating.

“The people who speak out against fascist dictators like Donold Trump are literally risking their fucking lives.

For their families.

For their country.

And for you.” —God

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Powerful stuff. If there is any way post January that we CAN still do the work, let us do so.

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Sue overreacted. We're all licking our wounds. Logic and sanity on our side will return, eventually. Keep up the good work, God.

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I wish that were true. My experience says that people are like this 365 days a year.

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Some people are. They don’t need to be here. My husband and I have discussed several of your points—especially about the need to focus our offensive energies on those who oppose us, instead of those on our side—regularly. It’s so frustrating!

Also, you clearly said, “hey it’s my Substack anniversary, which is awesome, but I’m in no mood to celebrate.” People who don’t pay attention and don’t read the words are part of the problem, God.

Also, those people seemed well-meaning but they were also LYING. They don’t plan to vote. They never planned to vote. They are passive. I get it. I didn’t vote in my late terms or early twenties. But then again, we’re didn’t have Donold. ((shudder))

Regardless, good points, God! Thank you for helping to provide comfort and a rallying point in these dark days. 💙

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And yet, there are others who are the way they are -- better! -- 365 days a year, too. :)

"Never cruel nor cowardly (but if you ever are, always make amends). Never give up. Never give in." --the Doctor, /Doctor Who/

Almost as inspiring as Your words, God! :D

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I still love you, "God". Like I said, free will and all, not your fault. You still stir my "soul" and lift me up when I'm scared, angry and reeling. Please keep doing whatever you can to help us poor fucked up humans keep from imploding.

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I hope you know how grateful I am for you. If I haven't told you that lately, you matter to me. For the first time in a long time, typing the words "Dear God" made me smile. Seeing the words "A message from God" in my inbox made me laugh. You also used your much bigger platform to tell people to pay attention to my work, and that endorsement caused people who were going to vote for this to say, "Fuck no, I definitely do not choose what's behind Door Number 2." Not enough people like you did that, but YOU did it, because you're God and you understood the stakes.

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Very perceptive commentary, God. The media world has changed profoundly. Please help your unworthy human creations in this time of trial by being a Voice of Reason.

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