Warn the sharks of the potential toxicity of the electrically deceased, in case they are meal planning.

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I'd say, "Here you go, chum!"

And then pour a bucket of it on him

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hahahaha 🤣

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Yes, Biden should say that and yell,"lock him up, lock him up!" Because, Trump is a convicted felon who's bat shit crazy.

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Hilarious! As if there’s even a comparison here…. All I can see is that creepy picture with Daddy Chump with his hand on/near his daughter’s ass and he’s leaning in like he’s ready for a game of tonsil hockey…. MAN is a disgusting slob….. if he was a deadly sin it’d definitely be gluttony….

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exactly! and yet it’s the question no one in the media will ask

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I look around to see if anyone else were present. If not, in a clear, quiet voice, I say, "Gee, sir. Are you trying to tell me something? If you could speak louder, I might understand what you're saying." If that didn't work, then I start looking around for another boat that I might hire.

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Pass the salt.

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I'd throw Trump a fish

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Dr Pepper is the best!

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Shut off the source of electrical power, I don't want the sharks to get hurt!

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I think he's proved the world would be better with out him. I might put the ladder over the side... Watch actively to see if he makes it?

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Hmmmm, give old Donnie a shark steak without telling him; then tell him it won’t digest and it’ll have to eat its way out 🦈

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Id like to think I'd take the high road and tell him I like Presidents that can swim.

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I would assume I’m dreaming I mean “making and ass out of you and me” and just annunciate that further” in Trumps voice of course

I’d probably just go on with that trump annunciated voice until the fish started to flee.

Then sadly I would give that slippery mess of a man my hand. I can’t watch anything die but this of course would be a hard mammute to save. Just imagine Trump and his gross hair nest begging for my hand saying “ I love white people knowone else would help me” as I gag thinking 🤔 did I make a mistake

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