Thou shalt require that every politician, down to sewer cleaner level, read and understand the Constitution that they swear to uphold. This will include a comprehensive test that covers the Constitution and all the amendments.

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Thou shalt not purposefully murder people with policy, laws, and systems that favor the rich.

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Thou shall not rape. I know it’s common sense, but it should be stated.

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"Cringe and embarrassing" ha! Thou shalt not cheat, do not hit your girl, and study hard so you can get out of here." Egregious! "

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My commandment would be Thou shalt stay out of other people’s lives. Mind your own business.

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Thou shall stopeth substack from being mean to God and others whom I like 👍.

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Can attest, Louisiana is corrupt AF.

"High Corruption:

Louisiana ranks 5th in public corruption convictions per capita (University of Illinois at Chicago, 2020)."

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Does the new law specify the commandments be in English? I would post them in Hebrew or Swahili.

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Your podcast today was great. However, the Republican Governor, not John Bel Edwards, the former Democratic Governor, did this stupidity. Please correct this, as only you can. Thank you God and best to Jesus.

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John Bel Edwards did not do this.. He is no longer the Governor. It's the ass Gov. Jeff Landry that replaced Edwards that did this shit.

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ugh, thank for pointing that mistake out. I regret making this error.

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You're Welcome!! John Bel was a decent Governor, but term limited. It was lack of voter turn out at the polls that unfortunately, ushered in Jeff Landry. There are many of us in Louisiana, vehemently opposed to Jeff Landry and his evil minions.

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Thou shalt mind thine own business and meddle not in the business of thy brother and sister

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Thou shalt not post My copyrighted material for your own selfish reasons and turn down federal money to provide school kids with free lunch.

Because even Jesus fed the multitudes at the Sermon on the Mount.

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Thou shall treat everyone, young, old, rich, poor, LGBTQI+, agnostic, religious, spiritual, Wiccans and yes Republican, Democrats and Independents with dignity.

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I once as aw a talk by a Jewish historian who said that we can't trust numbers in the Old Testament. His reasoning: Jewish leaders were horrible time keepers! He said 40 represented their way of saying "many..." (years, days, etc.) And that when translators tried to translate it, they just wrote it as a number (40).

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Thou shall always live for the betterment of mother earth.

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Does anyone remember how the Ten Commandments came to us? God gave them to Moses on Mount Sinai. They were announced by Moses to the Jewish people. So their origin is distinctly Jewish and Old Testament. Perhaps they should be posted in Hebrew?

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