I'm so proud of you Dad!!!

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What are we gonna do with all the love? We are going to bury the trolls, the racists and all the faux Christians with it. What they’ve forgotten is GOD IS LOVE!

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Amen alleluia from a former seminarian and by-the-skin-of-my-teeth survivor of that dreaded patriarchal goliath, the catholic church

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That closing clip of The Pursuit of Happiness is one of my all-time faves, God! I always knew deep down you were a rap star, so, PLEASE add your own rap video to your projects!

Here one of my other all-time favorite ending scenes!


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Oh yeah 👍

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Dad, if nothing else, it's me, indebted to You. You've been keeping my family safe and in spite of all the shit that I've been in, You've never left my side. So this is me saying, "Thanks, Dad!"💙💙💙💙

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AMEN! A sitcom?! Absolutely! I would enjoy that with my twisted sense of humor! Congratulation on the opportunities coming your way! After millennia of giving blessings to the peeps, give some to you. Take care of YOU, sir, so you can entertain US, this Frankenstein's monster you created. ;)

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Keep up the good work cause you’ve got a lot of work to do.💙💙💙💙

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Amen. I. Love. You!!! Thank you for this group, keeps me grounded.

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I am a comedy writer by profession. I bow to your brilliance. Tom

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Hmmm, what do we do with all this love? We build a very large bug zapper! When anyone outside our circle is drawn in by our collective light, we zap them and they become part of the most eternal love!

Keep the light on, God. We need you.

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And Boom! on the seventh day he rested... ahh because God needs rest too (never made sense to me until now, wait did they have seven days back then) you'd da bomb dot.com God! And Jesus you make my heart sing! (cause believe me I can't carry a tune) I found Treasure! Sold! Sold! Sold!

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My family is seriously struggling with money but I made sure that I could continue supporting you. You preach more truth than the church and parochial school I had to grow up in. Looking forward to all the good things to come.

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Nice to have a "troll" free site! I'm enjoying every minute of your postings! Keep it up and VOTE BLUE!

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This "God" is love and fun. Amen

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I think this is what God intended all along. Unfortunately, the humans destroyed the fun and the hope.

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I thought I couldn’t love you more God and then you posted Heavy D Now that we’ve found love. ❤️

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A-a-a-men, a-a-a-men; a-a-men, amen, amen!!! Lemme hear y’all now….

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