This being my 3rd Christmas alone and I am looking for a new normal, I may have just found it … by dancing exuberantly in my kitchen to R&B Christmas Music courtesy of radio station WBGO 88.3. You can’t be sad while dancing wildly πŸŽ„πŸ’—πŸŽ„

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We do Naked Christmas.

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What about the butt frost?

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God heals all.

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What? No swaddling clothes?

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THIS WAS YOUR IDEA. And I have no regrets. πŸŽ„β€οΈπŸŽ„β€οΈπŸŽ„

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It’s not a toga party Michael!

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I decided that next year I will volunteer at an animal shelter on Christmas. That may become my favorite way to celebrate.

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Working, as usual. I’m an obstetrician. My family’s holiday get-togethers always dissolved into a fight of one kind or another. I’d much rather spend the day catching babies and eating mediocre turkey and mashed potatoes.

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Happy Kwanzaa!

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Please give my daughter a hug for me God. I sure do miss her. Thank you for your wonderful posts. I also smile when I see things from God... even though... he totally crapped on my joy.

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Prosecco, while watching the British Baking Show! Later,

2x's church on Christmas Eve πŸ™, singing in a large talented choir with a side of professionals on cello, oboe and violin.

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This is my ideal musical Christmas Eve. Solo selections from the Messiah still send me chills.

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Watching the streamed fireplace roar and crackle on my television, drinking coffee, and grateful that God created fire, coffee, and a family to celebrate on this day.

Well done You!

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Love just being with my family

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Listening to classical instrumental Christmas carols, reading a book, talking to my God bud and chewing on warm cookies.

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Amen! Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Happy Solstice, Happy Festivus!

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Waking up next to My Beloved, opening prizes and surprisesπŸ‘, having the Son over in the amπŸ‘β€οΈ, FaceTime with the Daughter at her in-lawsπŸ‘πŸ₯°, made a fun brunch of waffles, scrambled eggs, fried Spam, blueberries, clementines, bananas, oj and ginger ale mosas, AND sharing some amazing homegrown.

Merry Happy Ho Ho!

Thank You for the magnificent day!β€οΈπŸŒˆβ„οΈ

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Reading new Christmas books, eating cookies and listening to Christmas music with my husband and daughter. Happy holidays and thanks for the inspiring words you share.

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Listening to John Prine’s Christmas album 🎁

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My favorite way is to get up and spend the whole day in pajamas watching all of the classic Christmas movies and eat frosted cut-out cookies with our kids after opening presents.

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Our traditions are to hit the 24-hour Walgreens store at midnight on Christmas Eve for stocking stuff, and watch "Muppets Christmas Carol" on the big Jesus H. Christ feast day. Happy Saturnalia!

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