They aren’t pro-life, but they are pro-slavery via forced births — Slavery imposed by removing self-determination. It’s hardly a new idea. Maybe Mike Pence kept a database of all the women who notified him of their menstrual periods.

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yup they are pro forced birth

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And the birth part is the scenario where the mother doesn't bleed out internally and die or die of sepsis etc. it's just mind boggling that anyone thinks any of this is their business besides the woman, and a medical professional, and er, maybe you, God? I dunno about that last part tho. 😅

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Binders full of women

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Another GREAT pod God! Very clever use of “Serena” from the Handmaid’s Tale. OfFred would be a good name too.

The repubs constantly accuse us libs of being pedophiles, why would they support child marriages, besides the lame, so-called “freedom” aspect of it? That puts the repubs in a bit of a pickle if you ask me!

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Thanks for watching! 🥒

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It's always projection with them.

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Will do my part to inform people 👍

And 🤣😂🤣

You guys are hysterical🤣

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hey thank you 🙏

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The Brits think they have your number, God God™: an ageing product outperforms expectations https://www.economist.com/culture/2024/05/14/god-an-ageing-product-outperforms-expectations

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Once again, the "Party of Small Government" is extending its tentacles.

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The pregnancy tracking database is, at this point, hot air posturing for the ultra-Catholic, mega-misogynistic MAGA crowd. The HIPAA regulations (https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/for-individuals/guidance-materials-for-consumers/index.html) currently prohibit individuals' health information to be shared outside of their medical and insurance providers. Of course, MAGA majorities in both houses of Congress and the White House could create that database as shareable information among those usual entities *and* some new "medical service quality assurance" (Gestation Gestapo) government agency.

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Yeah, with the Supreme Court, Congress and Presidency in hand, they will go for and get whatever they want.

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This should not even be on the table as a consideration.

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